Minnesota and NFA Weapons

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May 7, 2005
I'm considering building an AR-15 Short Barreled Rifle and am currently stationed in South Carolina where SBR's are perfectly legal but I came from Minnesota and that is where most of my family is and where I am most likely to return once my enlistment is up. After reading through the Minnesota Statutes at https://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/pubs/ I have found regulations on machine guns and short barreled shotguns but nothing on short barreled rifles which would lead me to believe they are perfectly legal. But I'd like to hear from any Title 2/Class 3 owners in Minnesota or the more lawyerly types. Reading the statutes makes it sounds like a SBR might be considered a pistol which would make it legal as well.
Not first hand, but I had a guy in my unit in the same situation. We deployed to Iraq and he bought a short upper for use in the sandbox (we were issued M16's, and he wanted an M4 config, which our unit was ok with). We were out of MN, activated to report at Ft. Bragg.

He was going through the process of registering it. I don't know that it actually ever happened, but apparently he did the preliminary research and was good on it.

Wish that was more concrete, but from what I saw, he was good to go as long as he followed the appropriate NFA rigamaroll.

Here you are.SBR's are legal in MN.JFettig is correct.


Minnesota (MN) What NFA Class 3 Firearms can I own?
NFA Class 3 firearms There are several type of Class 3 items that are restricted by the National Firearms Act.

Each state can impose additional restrictions on the sale, purchase, and transfer of class 3 firearms in addition to the compliance that is required with the national Firearms Act.

In Minnesota you can own the following items that are regulated by the National Firearms Act

Machine Guns
Short Barreled Shotguns (SBS)
Short Barreled Rifles (SBR)
Any Other Weapon (AOW)
Some Destructive Devices (DD)

In Minnesota you cannot own the following NFA restricted items.

Some Destructive Devices (DD)

Follow this link to find out more about Minnesota and NFA restrictions on Class 3 Firearms
Thanks for the help. Now I need to decide which lower to buy. I've already ordered the forms from the distribution center.
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