Negligent discharge, please be kind

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This has been devastating to her. I'll recover long before she will. Now she's blaming the herself, since she bought the pistol for me as a surprise Christmas gift. I told her it is my favorite gun and always will be because she bought it for me.
Beautifully put. She reminds me of my own wife, how she would react. As a matter of fact my wife DID buy me a gun this past Christmas.:uhoh: I'll be 'specially careful.

Again, best wishes for a full recovery. But don't forget extra hugs for the wife as you're recuperating. She's a keeper.
I sent an e-mail to you from your website. Thank you for putting this up for everyone. I tell all the hunter safety classes that I teach that if you handle guns long enough there is a very good chance that you will experience an accidental/negligent discharge and as long as we keep the muzzle in a safe direction at worst we will be embarassed and/or damage some property. All of us need to be reminded of that as often as possible.

I hope that you have a speedy and uncomplicated recovery from your wounds.
Ooooh! Hot brass just reminded me. I had a guy that worked for me. He showed me a little scar on in his calf one day. "What's that?" Looked like a perfect little circle.

Sitting around drinking and watching football with his buddies when he was in his early 20's and thought it would be 'cool' to show them all his Ruger MK II. Well sure enough he gets to screwin' around and BANG.

Everyone is silent... what the hell just happened. "I don't know man, but I'm puttin' this thing down!" He throws it on the coffee table and everyone starts to laugh - nervously I'm sure. They didn't know where it went so everyone was looking around. David reached down to scratch his leg and when he picked his beer up he saw blood on his fingers.

Looked down and had shot himself clean through the calf muscle. Didn't even know it. Damned lucky nobody got killed that day and David was smart enough to get rid of his guns because he wasn't about to stop drinking!
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