New Ideal

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Jun 3, 2008
Hey everyone today I was thinking about competion shooting my sport for the past 2 years is BULLESE PISTOL the down side is only place that is local is 100 miles away and gas is not 1.09 a gallon so I limit it down to a few a year. But any way I got to thinking about postal matches and thats when it hit me. A internet pistol match. You know the kind where it is based on the honesty method and you shoot the course of fire and post it on the form. I believe that it could be used for rifle and shothun competions as well. If you are interested in this let me know and we can begin to set dates for these matches. And if you would like to add to anything please post. Thanks again

God Bless

I'm interested, and depending on when you're planning on doing this and how serious you are about it, I could get the Purdue pistol team interested, as well. We don't have many matches, and some postals would be good fun. I think I'm the only THR member, though, so if you're limiting it to forum members it wouldn't work.

What kind of bullseye pistol are you thinking? Just something like a standard NRA match, or would you be looking at free pistol and air as well? Not too many people are in to free pistol, or even own one, but its one of my favorite events and I'd be very interested.
This is not a new thing.
Postal matches were once popular to save on train fare. The US Revolver Association held a lot of them, way back when.

In the 1980s American Handgunner Magazine sponsored a series of IPSC Postals. At the peak there were over 4000 entries from all over the world. More recently, IDPA has tried the same thing with internet scoring. They drew 2000+ entries this year, the second time held.

Bullseye matches to NRA or ISU specs would be even easier, the courses of fire are standardized and would not require a lot of work to circulate.

All it takes is your time.
Pistol Match

Hello everyone I am scheduling a pistol match for the 13 of Sepetember
or otherwise 9/13/08. You will have a week after this to fire the course. On saturday the 20th the results of your match must be posted on the form in order for you to recieve the regonition for your effort. All you have to do is get your most favorite pistol wheather it is a 22 a 32 and above or a 45 ACP. There is no prize if you rank in the first 3 you get a certifacate saying your handle and your score and caliber of weapon used.

When you post your results
1. Tell your HONEST score with the X count. Example 300-30X
2. Caliber of weapon used
3. And you Handel on the form

This months match will be the National Match Course
1. Rapid fire 10 round 10 secs in two 5 sec strings 25 YARDS
2. Timmed fire 10 round in 20 scecs two 10 sec strings 25 YARDS
3. Slow fire 10 rounds in 10 minutes 50 YARDS

What is needed
1 30 rounds of ammo
2 25 yard timed and rapid fire target
3 50 yard target

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