Newbi Info

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Nov 26, 2007
Jonesboro, AR
Hey Folks,
I am new here and fairly new to shooting at all. I have owned a handgun for a couple of years and have a concealed carry permit (Arkansas). My father-in-law recently asked me about getting a pistol for himself. I have known how ignorant I am and it became obvious when I tried to answer some of his questions. I have looked for a thread to already and didn't find any. Is there a thread already here or a website that is built to educate people about everything from bare basics (single action, double action, semi....) and more? I want to learn more for my own sake and to help him out.

Thanks in advance.

An additional tack:

Look up your state's statutes as passed by the legislature. Here's a start:

Or, just do a search, like I did. Learn the regs backwards and forwards, and don't forget the auxiallary ones, i.e., deadly force, duty to retreat, castle doctrine, etc. They will be in a different citation than the CCW regs. Review them periodically, both for retention, and updates. Many statutes have case references appending them, for more information how the law has been applied.

Check out the proposed laws at the start and during legislative sessions; and track their progress. Also, check the hunting regs on carrying firearms in vehicles, there may be some overlap, conflict, etc.
This far outweighs forum info, opinions, etc. Your instructor should have some references as well.

OH, just reread your post. There is beau coup info all over the web on guns, etc. A few searches ought to find them. Pax's site is well worth the time.

Good luck, -HowardC
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