NYT: Violent Crime Rising Sharply in Some Cities

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GTSteve03, yeah, concur. But in an Internet forum about all you can do is hit the high spots, oversimplifying. some stuff has just gotta be understood as background.

Root causes? Hey, Barnes&Noble is full of sociology books on the subject.

Create a welfare system (re-distribution of wealth system, or social transfer system, pick your label) that's hard to escape without education. Remove the competency of instilling knowledge. Ignore the hopelessness thereby engendered. Then, fail to realize that hopeless people are immune and invulnerable to the "normal" standards and mores of the greater society. Sub-culture. Created by government. Descending spiral into crash-landing.

Before the Great Society.

Before LBJ burdened us with his "Great Society" whites could generally go into black areas in relative safety. Harlem comes to mind. It used to be NYC's hottest night spot. There were black doctors, lawyers, bankers and everything. There were complete black families, civic leaders and everything, a society, not a subculture. IOW, there was commerce. Sure there was predjudice then, but there still is now.

When socialism and welfare became PC and the mission of the left, there was no longer any reason for the less successful blacks to hide or contain their hatred. Infact, their situation became much worse. So white commerce quit coming to black neighborhoods, successful blacks left and government dependance became widespread.
Milwaukee's murder rate...

Milwaukee is a strange case.

What I think we may be seeing in part are the first true withdrawl pangs after our famous "W2" welfare reforms went into place, about the same time as the Clinton reforms went in effect in the mid/late 90's.

It's a workfare system, where you have to report for jobs, or training, or you get cut off. There's still AFDC etc. but the main state welfare has been completely overhauled. Wisconsin also has a heavy amount of privitization in it's poverty agencies, and many are rife with corruption. Oftentimes self-annointed leaders from the inner city have headed up these organizations, only to funnel the money to themselves, or improper pet projects. (In one famous case, a woman re-directed poverty funds allocated to her "non-profit" org, to buy thousands of cell phones and have them shipped to Nigeria… WTH? )

It may sound heartless, but even with the inneficiency and corruption, I'd rather see the tax money be scammed away to a few individuals under our current reformed welfare/workfare system than the checks "reach the street" and foster more dependancy like under the old system. It's like a mid level drug dealer snorting all the cocaine for himself. At least the drugs didn't reach the street...

Otherguy Overby, you are absolutely right about LBJ. The effects of welfare on the black community are so devestating, and how it came right on the heels of their successes in the civil rights movment, that one almost has to wonder if it was intentional. Just as you say, black areas of our cities used to be draws for both white and black enjoy music, jazz & blues etc., with a strong professional class. Before the 1960's, black america used to have a lower out of wedlock birth rate, lower divorce rate, and a higher church attendance rate than white America did.

Seeing as it took 40+ years of LBJ's "Great Society" to completely undo the legacy of the civil rights movment, and destroy the urban black community everywhere, it'll probably take just as long for reformed and cut welfare to fix it, creating self-sufficient generations again.

The other two issues with Milwaukee are that it's so segregated, and there is a very small black middle-class. Much moreso than any other compaible city.

The northwest side of town is where almost all these murders take place, and it's not spreading anywhere else. Since the violence isn't spilling over into the other parts of Milwaukee, there's lots of "talk", but the level of widespread outrage to realy do something about the murder rate never realy materializes here. Save for the smaller Hispanic/Asian "secondary core" to the south of Milwaukee's downtown, the city and surrounding burbs are very, very, very, clean and safe as compared to similar or larger cities in the Midwest.

And unlike some larger cities and urban areas like New York, Washington D.C., or Atlanta, that have a more robust middle class that works in the professional or government sectors, Milwaukee's is notably smaller. The black middle class that we do have tends to avoid the suburbs because they're so segregated it makes them uncomfortable. So they either "hide" in pockets of safety in the black inner city and go unnoticed, or they just up and leave for those cities that do have a sustainable black middle class. This widens the discrepancy between black and white Milwaukee, and depresses the community even further.
AJ Dual said:
Otherguy Overby, you are absolutely right about LBJ. The effects of welfare on the black community are so devestating, and how it came right on the heels of their successes in the civil rights movment, that one almost has to wonder if it was intentional. Just as you say, black areas of our cities used to be draws for both white and black enjoy music, jazz & blues etc., with a strong professional class. Before the 1960's, black america used to have a lower out of wedlock birth rate, lower divorce rate, and a higher church attendance rate than white America did.
Thank you!

AJ Dual said:
Seeing as it took 40+ years of LBJ's "Great Society" to completely undo the legacy of the civil rights movment, and destroy the urban black community everywhere, it'll probably take just as long for reformed and cut welfare to fix it, creating self-sufficient generations again.

Seems most everyone thinks people are stupid. Some are, but if one can leave everyone alone, they do seem to work things out for themselves. Racism and prejudice was on the way out in the 60s. (Just like slavery was in the 1800s) If only Lincoln and his sponsors could have left things alone. He needed to be shot... sooner. If only LBJ and the government could have left this alone, I wonder how things would be now.

Now, with it's track record of failure the government just keeps trying more social engineering. We are in for interesting times.
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