People Hates Us Because George Bush Is Bad

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Letter is total BS

and the south - my dad says they're really stupid./There is no other reason - than that! ITS THAT SIMPLE!

I can't use capital letters, the shift key, or apostrophes, but by God I know when to use that dash mark.

And being mean to the environment is wrong too because of the greenhouses also. we should also get to have more pets.

Still a little shaky on the writing skills but I know the difference between "to,"
"too," and "two."

The War in Iraq is bad. It's been going on for a long time. Wars should only be fought if its fast and no one dies! If it goes longer than a short time, then IT'S WRONG

Hey I learned how to use apostrophes.
George Bush wouldn't "be bad" if he hadn't been elected.

There are quite a few people who were brought up with the belief that war, and aggression, are wrong.

Now, I can sorta respect that.

HOWEVER, when they put their mind in neutral, and proclaim that genocide, etc., are not grounds to take out the bad guys... Well... They're on the far side of brainwashed.
Oh geez, don't read Arianna Huffington's site. And if you do, don't believe a word of it. John

"Arianna Huffington spurns Newt and the Republicans, finds liberal friends and cares for the poor." - dug up somewhere on the web.
Didn't ANYBODY read the link? If the satire wasn't obvious enough, the post author and "Scott," who was supposed to be the father referenced in the letter, are apparently some kind of token Republicans at the Huffington Post. The liberal readers were not amused.

I hope the kid gets his monkey. cleaning up it's piles of crap should keep him too busy to write letters.
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