Refreshing - DU

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Because things don't change over night. Because most of the people you're griping about were in office before I graduated the 8th grade.

I really don't see the point of your question anyway; I'll gladly stipulate that I'm the distinct minority on this side of the aisle. So what? I'm working to change that. Every person who thinks as you do makes it that much harder.

Be a part of the solution, or remain part of the problem. Your choice. Be glad there are people like me and welcome me into the RKBA community, or continue to be as hostile as you've been. Your choice.
Do I hear ad hominem?

I'm sorry, I guess the difference in orifices of men and women wouldn't be a pretty damn good clue. I guess since a man can't give birth, that might be a good clue as well. It might also seem logical to understand that the two just might have been designed to go together and that the opposite is unnatural and not meant to be. We sure do have to go far and look long and hard to figure what was meant. Heck, if your mother was your daddy, you wouldn't be hear to argue this. Wait, what am I thinking, that's so far fetched. :rolleyes:

Gentleman, it's right in front of your face, or hopefully between your legs. If I have to explain it and try to convince you, you've just flat chosen to not give a damn, regardless of the evidence. There's no real argument for you to make. Just say, I don't really care.

Ah, I might as well just say bla..bla..bla.
Nobody's saying that heterosexuality isn't the biological imperative. I'm just saying if you're not wired that way in your personal life, it's not really anyone's business but your own.
Be glad there are people like me and welcome me into the RKBA community

Helmetcase, I am glad.

I just wish you wouldn't vote to put a person in congress that will be part of the party that is out to defeat us. I have no gripe with you personally.
I'm just saying if you're not wired that way in your personal life, it's not really anyone's business but your own.

That I will agree with. But, too many of the people that are not wired that way want to make it my business. That's the problem.
I'd be just as happy if NO marriages were recognized by the government. I personally object more to the government's involvement in marriage than I do religious institutions'. Our system of contracts is mature enough that you could probably roll all the stuff that goes into the average marriage and prenuptial into a relatively modest-sized contract.

Of course, this would mean that people could form ANY sort of union containing consenting adults. Not just gay couples, but group marriage, polygamy and polyandry for starters. This would probably complicate family law enormously, with unions larger than 2 people, especially as people join and leave the union, buy property, have children, etc. All of these problems can be solved IMO, but it would take time and probably constantly evolve as people thought up new ways to use the new system. Muslims and mormons would probably be thrilled though.

And by the way, if you guys actually manage to push through some bogus "equal protection" argument to get gay marraige legalized, expect all these other forms of marriage to get pushed through as well sooner rather than later. If you can allow something as historically unprecedented as gay marriage, there is really no bar to all the other groups being allowed unions. However, I doubt this is likely, as current gay rights stuff is all predicated on 9th amendment privacy, which doesnt apply to a public act like marriage, obviously.
I would agree beermeister, but I'd be worried I'd be playing into the religious right's hands by agreeing with something that might be considered the death of marriage. :D
My main point is that pushing for gay marriage right now might open up a much messier can of worms from a legal perspective. People may end up throwing up their hands and sweeping the experiment under the rug. Pushing for what appears to be the last ten percent can often give the other side a second wind- look what happened when the Dems embraced the assault weapons stupidity.

I honestly think that gays (including long term relationships) are already well accepted in most of society and that it will only get better with time. Most americans have a live-and-let-live attitude towards other people's sexual eccentricities, even conservatives.
What no one will tell me is

can the rest of us get in on this, or is it exclusive to homosexuals?
I have only fair health insurance; my wife has none; but my brother has wonderful government insurance. So -

If I marry my brother, do I have to divorce my wife first?

Or will there be an exception in the bigamy laws?

And what about incest laws? Do they apply to this sort of "marriage?"

If I marry my brother, do we really have to, uh, "consummate" the union?
Like, are only active homosexuals eligible for these benefits? How will the government know? Sodomy inspector certifications? Do we sign affidavits, under perjury penalties? Or will it be "don't ask, don't tell?"

Somebody help me out here, please. I really need that insurance.
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