Ruger LCR tamer vs. Boot grip?

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I actually haven't shot one with the boot grip yet, but every review I've seen on them says recoil is more pronounced with the boot grip. The reason being the boot grip simply has less material to do the cushioning. Also, the stock tamer grip apparently has a little gel insert along the backstrap, while the boot grip does not.

It's kinda up to you whether you want to trade more felt recoil for a grip that conceals and carries a little better.
The LSCR boot grip has cushioning rubber along the frontstrap and backstrap. It is, however, smaller in girth than the Tamer. Less to hold on to. I can get through 5rds of 38+P without it wiggling its way out of my grasp. The Tamers, though more assuring in the hand, don't do as well in pocket carry.

NOW, I quickly offed the .357 because after trying a cylinder full, I decided there would never be any reason for me to carry them, LOL. :eek: If +P was plenty, why pocket the extra 4.5oz of weight?:)
Actually the boot grip does have the insert too. This cushioning protects the web between the thumb and forefinger. It's the medial portion of the pad under the thumb that takes most of the punishment with either grip. The tamer is better a handling recoil due to it being wider and longer. Shooting .357s with the boot grip is like... SURPRISE!!! :eek:
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