Sad State of Affairs

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Jan 8, 2003
The latest poll results aired on last night's news show that (for the first time) the majority of US citizens said they believe that GWB does NOT deserve to be re-elected.

In the same poll, when asked who they would vote for, GWB got about 46% and Kerry was about 40%.

So what that means is: most people polled said that GWB does not deserve to be president, but Kerry is worse so they are going to vote for Bush anyway.

God help this country.
"So what that means is: most people polled said that GWB does not deserve to be president, but Kerry is worse so they are going to vote for Bush anyway."

I didn't see the "news" broadcast in question, but my guess is that it *really* means that the poll showed people preferred Bush to Kerry, so they had to spin it differently to get the leftist view across.

I didn't see the "news" broadcast in question, but my guess is that it *really* means that the poll showed people preferred Bush to Kerry, so they had to spin it differently to get the leftist view across.

No spin, just a series of questions asked to the same people:

Does Bush deserve to be re-elected? It was about 44% YES and 52% NO.

Who will you vote for? It was about 46% Bush and about 40% Kerry.

The message is clear: the majority people were saying that Bush did not deserve to be president but they were going to vote for him anyway... and that is a genuinely sad state of affairs.
44% thought he should be re-elected and then they said they would vote for him. So that leaves only 2%. What if the 2% came from the 4% that didn't answer the first question. Then your argument doesn't hold water (like most liberal arguments). No one that didn't think he deserved it would have voted for him.

The more likely scenario is 12% of the poll takers thought Kerry was a sleazeball(even for a demokrat) and would rather have someone else so they didn't bother casting a vote. Then half of the 4% that didn't answer the first question decided to vote for Shrub. So that leaves you with 46-40 with 14% out in lala land.
Boofus has pointed out how easy it is to play numerical games with these vague surveys conducted by "news" agencies. I presume that the "reporters" do it knowingly, although it would be easy to believe that they are so ignorant of statistics that they (as usual) don't understand their subject.

In any event these people have known for years that one of the best ways to get a candidate to lose is to predict the loss.

...GWB does not deserve to be president, but Kerry is worse so they are going to vote for Bush anyway.

I could have told you that. No need for expensive polling just ask. :D

Wanna vote for the lesser of evils? Vote Aaron Russo.
God help this country.

I doubt very much that God would help us through electing a totally elitist, walking contradiction, gassy windbag, have-it-both-ways, pseudointellectual, closeted, botoxin' Frenchman into the White House.

That would be more akin to damning humanity once again, this time in a flood of urine as lefties confront a dangerous world they won't deign to acknowledge exists despite their most fervent efforts to wish it away.

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