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Aug 8, 2004
With the demise of Bryco, there may be a niche open in the firearms market for inexpensive defense handguns. I'm exploring the possibility of forming a company to manufacture just such an animal. My idea is to make a cheap, reliable, and most importantly - safe - handgun for home defense.

This would not have to be an especially accurate weapon, as its intended purpose would be to defend one's self from home invasions and the like, but at the same time, should be designed in such a way that accuracy is consistent throughout production. The modest accuracy consideration would be something like a 6" group at 10 yards, from a sturdy rest.

It would have to be durable, as in, would be able to take a lot of abuse from being tossed in the bed of a pickup, dropped, or stored in a humid area. The market for this gun isn't people who go to the range every weekend, so it wouldn't need to be able to stand up to millions of rounds, but it should be able to be pressed into service even after abuse such as that listed above with a good cleaning.

I've thought about basing my design off an existing Bryco design, as they have proven themselves to be at least satisfactory from a profit perspective. Some improvements would have to be made, such as better safeties. Does anyone out there have a design to fit these criteria? Yes, i would turn this into a for-profit business, but the goal would be to provide those who cannot afford a quality weapon with a pistol to protect themselves. Bryco tried this, but their product weas of notoriously low quality.

I am aware that many of these guns, if produced, would end up in the hands of criminals. This does not bother me in the least. A criminal is a criminal, and will find a way to ply his trade, with a weapon provided by myself, someone else, or of his own design.

Sorry for the long rambling post, and thanks in advance for your ideas :)
It would have to be durable, as in, would be able to take a lot of abuse from being tossed in the bed of a pickup, dropped, or stored in a humid area. The market for this gun isn't people who go to the range every weekend, so it wouldn't need to be able to stand up to millions of rounds, but it should be able to be pressed into service even after abuse such as that listed above with a good cleaning.

In other words, you want a pistol designed like a Russian rifle? :neener:
Save the manufacturing time, just import a bunch of Maks and CZ 52s...

Or even better, just buy trade in Smiths

Well, from what I hear CZ52 is a great pistol aside from the brittle firing pin issues. If you had something like it but with a pin made of better metal and chambered in something more common than 7.62 Tokarev, you might have a winner.
Good luck, and I hope you can get this on going. Lot os poor people would love an inexpensive affordable gun that works, even better than Hi-Point....
With the demise of Bryco...
Byrco may have been sued into oblivion, but IIRC, a motion was recently put forth in bankruptcy court to sell the assets (machinery, tooling, etc.) to the ex-production manager. Since the creditors want their money, I see no reason why this wouldn't be approved.

The owners of Bryco were well setup and corporately protected and I'm reasonably sure they will startup production again under another name. Not to pee on the parade, but if the success of your plans depend on them to not be around, you may get a big surprise. :eek:
Byrco was sold to the production manager,after a failed bid by someone who was the reason they went bankrupt.
His plan was to destroy the machines and destroy the remaining inventory.
But he was out bid after posting online for donations.

Here is the web site for "Brandons Arms"
Of course,this is their slanted opinion on the issue!
I think i'll be fine when Bryco comes back in a new form, IF i can make this work from a money PoV. We'll see how it works out, and i'll post here what i find.
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