Shooting exceptional slingshots

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I had an Uncle that trained bird dogs for a living for 50 years - he never had any kind of electronic's to use on the dogs but he had what he called a bean flip in his back pocket all the time - i saw him put more than one rouund rock in a bird dogs Arse!
Sounds like not sooo much fun for the dogs...
better than geting a stun gun in the arse!
Well, that would be a bit to inhuman...

BTW, nice website you have there.
How about engraving slingshots? There are a few cast slingshots on the market...definitely worth to be artfully decorate!
I got distracted watching torsten. Good shooting. How long did it take to learn not to send your ear downrange?
@ Samari Jack

Only a bit more than a half year.
This style is very similar to the regular slingshot shooting style, just with a "bit" longer draw...
How about engraving slingshots? There are a few cast slingshots on the market...definitely worth to be artfully decorate!
i'm working with a well known custom slingshot maker - this sort of thing takes time - proto types going back & forth to the UK - they won't hit the market for a few months - I have to many irons in the fire already to start building sligshots -
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