Spray an pray with an auto pistol

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Dec 3, 2005
The end of the road between Sodom and Gomorrah Tex
I mean, hogs are pests and such down here, but I don't see torturing one. :banghead: This guy can't shoot with a camera in his hand. DANG. One shot broke the poor thing's hind leg. GREAT SHOOTIN' there wild Bill! :rolleyes: I've taken two hogs danger close like this in my life, both DRT one shot kills, but shot in the head with a .357 magnum both times. I didn't throw the whole damned cylinder in his general direction, I actually took time to aim at his HEAD.

Kinda funny watching the guy's hand shake, though. :D

I remember being out in the field near hunting areas of both Forts Bragg and Campbell and listening to those yahoos out there with semis just blastin' away knowing full well that "spray-n-pray was in effect.

It always made me wanna track 'em down and break their rifles for the lack of control and disregard for where they were shooting. Kinda the "I'm gonna shoot a bunch at that movement/color then go over and see if I hit anything" method.
I watched it a couple of times. I think the camera was probably mounted to a headband or somewhere similar. All of the 'action' seems to me to be in the first 15 seconds.

My thought is he had a camera on and just happened to catch the pig charging. It may be the first time the fellow was in a real high pressure situation. We don't know when the leg was 'shot off'. It appears to me the little porker was doing a good job of charging. And, while MCgunner might have placed good shots with his revolver, Id be willing to bet if the first shot did not 'work as desired', he would have tried as many times as he could to stop the animal before it ran over him.

I'd have fired another aimed shot. Use a magnum caliber and place your shots works better IMHO. I know the first time I got in this sort of situation blood trailing a hog I shot too far back, first hog, after the action, I sat down and practically hyperventilated once the adrenalin rush wore off. LOL I was shakin' like a Harley with one plug pulled. This guy was out in the open. I was in cover, came up on the thing at REAL close range. Seems like they always go for the heaviest cover which there is always a good bit of in south Texas.
I think the guy did this as a stunt to put on youtube or whatever. If you read the context of the video you will see the pig was first wounded at 200 yards with a high power rifle & then the guy approached for the coup de grace with the pistol in an open field.
I've been in the same situation in the past when culling pigs in wheat country. An injured pig will often charge if approached & many times I've dispatched with multiple shots from a pistol at close quarters. Only difference is I use 2 hands with slightly better aimed shots - it took him 9 shots on an already wounded pig.
Good point. If wounded in the open like that, why approach with a handgun unless you're lookin' for a viral youtube vid? Just put another round in him. Only time I've finished one with a handgun, other than shooting one in the trap, is when he's in heavy cover and I can't maneuver a long gun. After that first experience, I learned where the round was supposed to go the first time. I'd shot that one too far back and it being my first pig, I WANTED it. LOL On retrospect, I shoulda probably just let him bleed out somewhere and waited for another day, not worth all THAT excitement and risk.
Wild boar shot from 200 yards with hp Rifle but survives, and charges. Shot with Colt Combat Elite .45 APC.
I don't care for feral pigs/non-native wild hogs. There are plenty of reasons to send lead their way. But I don't understand why he didn't shoot it again with the rifle from a distance. It's apparent that he not only wanted to shoot it up close with his handgun, but he also wanted to get it on video. Those are not acceptable reasons to be firing a gun at a pest. You do so to rid the area of it.
I don't get why he didn't shoot it a couple more times when it was kicking around in circles on the ground. :uhoh:
If he had just walked over to the pig and placed a shot in the top of the head while it was suffering, it would have been over. I think the shooter should be tortured in some way to make him realize what he had just done. I personally think that was unexcusable.
the thing was dead before it was convulsing. Every hog I have shot twitches and flops after it has checked out.

True for me, too, most times.

Whats pathetic is this was staged and probably in a high fence hunting preserve.

They have those in California? In Texas, there are so many hogs infesting so much range, you couldn't really say that. This was in California IIRC. I'm quite sure he wounded the thing so he could get the youtube pistol shots, though. The pig was in the wide open. Even an errant shot could be easily followed up upon with the rifle.
It seems apparent...the person fully intended to video the event and managed to somehow set up a situation where the Hog felt pressured enough to defend itself.

To me...that is the sad part.

Also, the use of a marginal cartridge (presumably .45 acp), was almost certain to end in the scenario we witnessed.

The kicking/convulsing of the animal is not troubling to me (in this case) since it is a common occurrence when there is a CNS hit.

If you watch carefully (about 21 seconds in on the video) you will see shot # 7 stiffens (and drops) the hog, clearly a telling shot.

In nearly all cases...there will be 'thrashing' soon afterward for a period of time, but it is not an indication that the animal is suffering at that point.

Taking six rounds prior to that...however, WAS a dis-service to the animal IMO.

I have no use for Feral Hogs....but I also see no point in causing them to suffer needlessly for sake of Bravado. Quite frankly, it reminded me of a Bullfight.
Maybe I'm the oddball here, but I don't really take issue with anything other than his poor shooting skills. I think sometimes people place entirely too much value on animal life. Compared to the way animals kill each other that was actually pretty humane. Ever seen a pack of wolves start eating before their meal is dead? How bout a gator ripping the limbs off it's prey while it's still breathing? Yes, I realize that these animals don't know any better and blah, blah, blah, but the fact is nature is cruel and animals don't feel sorry for eachother. It is only us humans that place value on animal life.
I'm afraid I don't know what you mean, Certaindeaf.
I've never tried to place undue stress on any animal I've killed, but I don't recall ever feeling sorry for one either. We may just have to agree to disagree. I would never recommend torturing any animal and certainly want my kills to be a quick and humane as possible, but I've never gotten my feelings hurt over the way an animal is dispatched.

I guess after spending some time in a war zone and seeing what we humans are capable of doing to each other without much remorse it's hard for me to find much sympathy for a pig. I'm not saying I'm right and you or anyone else is wrong. I'm just saying that is the way it is for me.
We do tend to anthropomorphize. Still, just that fact keeps me from appreciating a video that, say, PETA could use against us. Hell, they anthropomorphize to the extent of giving more rights to animals than they do humans!

Well, that and I just think the guy should have finished the thing off with his rifle with another shot, hopefully better placed than all, but the last couple of his handgun shots. I agree that the use of the handgun was a stunt to get the video. I'm not sure that there's really anything wrong with THAT except that he might have INTENTIONALLY wounded the critter to get that vid. But hey, I ain't him or YOU and I have seen worse. I've done things off videos that some here wouldn't like, like running pigs down with dogs and cutting their throats with a knife and bleeding them out, no guns allowed, might hit the dogs. THAT is a blood sport and sort of athletic to boot. Not only that, but the dogs often get cut up by the pig. All the guys that run dogs carry suture kits and use them on occasion. I did enjoy going with that guy, a friend of a friend, on his night hunts in the rice fields, but I'm too old and out of shape to follow hounds through rice fields anymore. I'm sure there are folks here who's stomach that would turn. The pig doesn't exactly die immediately when you cut his carotid. But, the pig got run down and killed as surely as if a lion had done it and probably died faster. Point taken.
Mc, I wasn't bashing you for having an issue with the video. Sorry if it came across that way.

It's not a video I would post for the same reasons you gave. PETA would love it. That, and that kind of shooting isn't something I would brag about.

I suppose I take issue with the video the same way I take issue with the media coverage in Iraq and Afghanistan. There are some things that the general public doesn't need to see when it comes to hunting, be it the hunting of man or beast. It doesn't help the cause either way.

I don't find the video particularly objectionable was my only point. Not from a personal standpoint anyway. Like you, I've done things off camera in the woods and overseas that some may not find particularly moral. This is a big country with many different moral views. I try not to force my morals on anyone else and prefer not to have their's forced on me.
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