"Tactical" is going to give the antis everything they want

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So while at it, why not just give up your tactical stuff to appease the antis and go hunt with a muzzleloader?
Where did that come from? Did you read the thread?

I think you could re name it "flower" gun or "marshmellow" gun or "rainbow" gun and the anti's would still want to ban it. It's about power, we have it, they want it.
Do some reading. It's not about changing the minds of the antis. It is about making it more difficult for their arguments to be pushed on the fence sitters. They want to convince the non-gun owners that our modern weapons are bad. Giving them a badass name only makes that easier for the antis to do.

Like it or not, words matter. "Assault" has been the bane of our cause, and the antis have loved that we created that term. It is a word game, and that is why the media calls a glock an "assault weapon". The antis want to convince the public that we need to get these "dangerous weapons" off of the streets. They will lump as much into that catagory as possible.

Us lumping all of our modern weapons into a catagory for them and then giving it a kind of scary title is going to end badly for us. The antis took our modern rifles and standard capacity magazines away from us for 10 years! They played a word game to do it. We need to play a word game back. "Assault weapon ban" doesn't look as bad on a politician's record as "Modern weapon ban".

The antis manipulate terminology to make us look bad. Let's return the favor.
Giving them a badass name only makes that easier for the antis to do.

Listen, expvideo, while you can make the case that "assault" as in assault weapon/rifle can be vilified, the word "tactical" carries no such connotation. Tactical: characterized by or showing cleverness and skill in tactics. As far as I am concerned, being clever and skillful is a positive value. So, as far as giving up on this positive descriptive word, and retreating to another less descriptive word that makes some people feel all warm and fuzzy, I would suggest that you think about making a stand and retaking the high ground from those that want to denigrate this word.

Don (owner of several "Tactical Rifles")
Good people use "tactical" stuff every day, good people use "assault weapons" every day!

Stop worrying about it! EXPLAIN to people how it applies to a particular item. A larger bolt handle shouldn't be scary to anyone....

If you won't even educate people about terminology how do you ever expect to defend your right to own a gun! Remember that at one time simply putting spin on a bullet was over the top "black magic" - thankfully someone educated the ignorant and we are all better for it.
As if the anti-gun rights crowd doesn't engage in tactics. This is only one tactic - to demonize a word rather than demonize the weapons they have failed to demonize.

Anyone who falls for such tactics is ignorant and useless to us and can be turned against the antis just as easily, and flip-flop back and forth 'till the end of time.

I can't abide useless people and will not cater to them. If they want some worth in this life, let them educate themselves. Once they figure out what they want and can take a solid stand, I'll listen to them. At that point they can be embraced as a friend or shunned as a foe.

If a weapon is designed to comport with a certain tactic, it's a tactical weapon. For that matter, all weapons are tactical. ANYTHING with a purpose that has the aim of winning can be said to be tactical. It's a good word. Use it properly and show the anti-gun-rights crowd as the ignoramuses they make themselves out to be by using such tactics.

No offence meant to the OP and those who stand with him. I simply offer edification.

If the Brady Bunch still uses perjorative terminology - of what value is my change in volcabulary?
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