Taser Strikelight 2 Impressions


Feb 15, 2012
New Braunfels, TX
During a sale after Thanksgiving, I ordered a Taser Strikelight 2.

The SL2 has three light settings (red, 400, and 700 lumens). It also has the electric shock function which is a “touch” thing. I have NOT gotten the courage up to zap myself, as the sparking is pretty darn loud and, in a dark area, surprisingly bright.

After about 15 minutes of messing with it, and checking out the performance of the flashlight at night in a rural area, I ordered two more, one for each of my adult daughters.

The two primary reasons I think this is a great gift for them is 1) because both live in rural areas and the zapper would absolutely stop any stray dog in its tracks, and 2) it’s a very good light, and would totally cover their large yards if deployed at night.


I also think this would make a better non-lethal weapon for woods carry than any spray. I am 100% speculating, but that sparking is absolutely intimidating and I think animals with keen senses will be particularly affected by it.

Taser intro video below. Anyone else have one? Ever use it around any critters or bad actors?

You have no range with these. They may seem impressive, but there is a solid reason "bear spray" not "bear prods" are used.
I hate to be negative, but because they're contact devices they're not a good alternative to OC spray's range and ability to "blind". As a backup to OC, yep!