TFL is Kaput

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Its very strange seeing the whole place locked up. Just glad to have been a part of it while it was open.
Bummer, I just got back home and was hoping to post one last time. :(

I'll have to go there and read the closing message.

Good Shooting
Last Post: tyme-Gen. Dis. 11:48PM CST

Last Post by someone who can't unlock the forum: JackNKoch-Farewells 10:59 PM CST

I was just about to edit my post and say "JackNKoch", when I saw your post.

tyme (TFL Server Guru),just added this:


Historic TFL threads, as well as a full list of TFL alternatives, are available in the TFL library (at the top of the page)
It's not an ending, it's a new beginning - i.e., this great new forum! :)

Rich's closing message was lovely.

I'll miss TFL.
Sad to see the locks on the forums. You could almost hear the crickets.

I loved TFL for it's simplicity and civil tone. I looked at TFL daily because the software was very fast compared to other boards.

This place will be greater. I can feel it. :cool:
It was the membership that made TFL. I include Rich and all staff, of course. That said, to a great extent, the water is the same, it just fills another vase.
I didn't even have a chance to get in a last word, as I went to a NYE party at around 8 tonight, and just got home an hour ago.

Oh well. TFL will be surely missed, but at least the info is archived for us. I'm quite thankful that it is, too.
I got the idea just today of creating new threads in the revolver forum here for the "revolver checkout" and "Ruger SA aftermarket parts/tweaks" threads, and then two-way linked 'em back to the originals on TFL. So from here, you can jump to the original thread, and when you get to the end of those you can jump to the "continuation".

Did anybody else "directly extend" any TFL threads that way, so that they directly live on here?
I hadn't been there for a few weeks. The closure caught me COMPLETELY off-guard. I was flabbergasted to say the least.

Oleg and staff, thanks for starting up this place.

Dennis (a TFL'er since 1998)
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