The Hillary Meter

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Feb 20, 2003
Rasmussen Reports is launching the Hillary Meter--a twice monthly measure of Senator Hillary Clinton's effort to move to the political center. For as long as the former First Lady is a viable candidate for the White House, we will continue to monitor public perceptions of her political ideology. Meter.htm

I can't think of anything that would damage our RKBA more than President Hillery Clinton. I have little doubt she and her minions will do or say anything to get her elected, they will not shy from the most outragous lies or deceptions. We need to gear up now to make sure the truth is told.
So far Schumer hasn't shown any willingness to run for President, he's got no national backing, he's even less of a contender than Kerry or Edwards, at least for 2008.
It's gonna be a looooong election....(I'm tired of it already)

Even among my lefty friends, nobody wants Hillary for President. Think about that...Anyone who supports her nomination is all but voting for the other side. The Libertarian Party might be able to score a PR coup if they can pick the right candidate. By PR coup, I mean double digit vote percentages.
Hillary will get beaten like a gong if she throws her hat into the ring. There are too many skeletons and she lacks the good ole boy charisma of her horndog hubby.
So far Schumer hasn't shown any willingness to run for President, he's got no national backing, he's even less of a contender than Kerry or Edwards, at least for 2008.

You're right, Rebar—the gods be thanked!

The reason I mentioned Schumer is that my impression is he's considerably less dirty than Shillary Snopes Clinton. I doubt she'll stand a great deal of scrutiny, and she's made a long, long list of enemies. I doubt Feinstein could stand a great deal of scrutiny, given that her husband has been in bed with China quite awhile. The Hero of Chappaquiddick, of course... Well, the less said, the better.
Hillary vs Rice. Wonderful...

Looks like I'll be voting Libertarian again. I cannot in good conscience vote for either. I do think it's odd that Hillary thinks mass illegal immigration is a bad thing, and Rice thinks it is wonderful.

Why can't "None of the above" be a valid choice when voting? I mean, it being an actual choice when you vote. I'd want it to be plastered across the news to see how many Americans are sick of both parties.
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It would be a fatal mistake to underestimate Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Consider the following:
  • She carpet bagged her way into a powerful Senate seat, despite holding no other elected office.
  • Barring some unforseen situation, she will be the 2008 democratic candidate, the republicans have no one lined up.
  • She will lie like no one has lied before to get elected. I bet she'll say she's pro-gun and anti-immigration, and too many people will believe her.
  • John Kerry, a very weak candidate, still got 48% of the vote against an incumbent wartime President. I was astounded he did so well, considering his very strong negatives.
  • Unless the republicans run a woman also, that will weight heavly in her favor.
  • She can turn on the charm when she has too, unlike Kerry who couldn't help being an arrogant jerk.
  • Soros will break the bank for her, and his 527s will set new standards in muckraking.
  • Remember Filegate? The Clintons got dirt on a lot of people, and they will resort to blackmail.

If the republicans run a weak candidate against her in the upcoming Senate race, then another for President in 2008, she will most likely win.

And that would be a catastrophe for all of us who value freedom. Think on that before throwing a vote away on some no-chance 3rd party candidate.
Boy I hope I get the priviledge of VOTING FOR MICKEY MOUSE in an election between Hillary and McCain. :banghead:

Don't laugh, it could happen. The Republican LOVE competing for the "biggest loser candidate" prize whenever the Deomocrats put up someone particularly pathetic.
Spend time researching Obama's record for Illinois. He is one of the most liberal legislators out there. He never met a tax increase, gun restriction, affirmative action or nanny state behavior he didn't like.

He is charming, good-looking and charismatic. He has a great "story".

That makes him extremely dangerous.
Hillary at least brings all the Clinton trash with her-there are some seriously motivated people who will try hard to thwart her.

Obama has been VERY quiet about his real political views, which include the COMPLETE banning of all firearms, over-riding state CCW laws with a federal ban on CCW and lots of other goodies.

And nobody hates him yet. He's actually a very nice, reasonable guy who's obviously very bright. He's also an african-american, which will guarantee him some strong support in certain demographics.

I agree, he's dangerous.

there are some seriously motivated people who will try hard to thwart her.
There are seriously motivated people who will try hard to get her elected too, and they're in powerful positions in the MSM, entertainment industry, judicial branch, etc.

As for Obama, he's being groomed for the future, but he's not ready for the big time yet.
Well I think it's really about who the Republicans end up backing. Most of the votes that went to Kerry this last time were "Not Bush" votes instead of "For Kerry" votes. Hillary won't have that same boost (unless Reps pick poorly).
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