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The Official Knob Creek Thread

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Jan 2, 2003
St. Louis, in the Don't Show Me state
Moderators, I beg your indulgence in allowing this to remain in General for a bit... After all, it _is_ pretty much the largest "tactical" gun show in the country...

Okay, campers, you know the drill. Arne & Linda are gonna be at my place on Wednesday night, and we're getting to the Creek on Thursday morning. Hopefully will be on the uphill side of the road, maybe toward the guard shack/deer stand. Green 3/4 ton Chevy conversion van, Missouri plates, with a 3' tall Shiner Bock bottle on the roof. Or look for the police line tape...

So, who else is gonna make it? What's your shopping lists like? I wanna buy some mags...
bogie - I was waiting for you to post this thread! :)

I tried my darndest to make it this time last year and I just couldn't swing it. Not so this year!!! I'll be driving down with a buddy on Friday. Would like to get there earlier, but can't afford the vacation time.

Any chance on saving us a small spot to pitch our tent? Will be driving an S-10 pickup, so that won't take up too much room either.

Working on my shopping list too. .50 ammo, hopefully some .308 Portugese, .45 & 9mm or reloading components for them; mags, and other assorted "gear". :)
Not sure if we are going for a day or not. Sheslinger want's to go I think but I am out of rifle storage room and have no self discipline as far as spending money, so Knob Creek may be a bad place for me this close to Christmas.

We'll see.

Oh - almost forgot... I'll be towing a small utility trailer as well. Hope there is room for everything at your campsite. I won't be pulling in until ~ 5pm Friday evening.

I remember the first time I went and got there on Friday around noon - there were lots of folks camping in the parking lot. :uhoh:

Which FRS frequency will you be using? I also have my Tech HAM license if there are any repeaters nearby... or simplex is fine too. :)
If work will allow, I'll be there Saturday.

Shopping list:

Standard Capacity Magazines
Mil-Surp rifle
Big Knife
I should be there on Saturday. FRS is a good idea. I have yet to meet anyone from THR/TFL!

Other than just hanging out I'll be looking for Beretta 92 mags and 7.62x39 tracers!

Also, I plan to bring a "non-gun" person with me. Maybe I can convert them!

I'm going down Friday morning out of Columbus, Ohio if anyone wants to convoy, my truck is full. Is there an official "Rally Point" and time?
bogie - do campers usually have campfires going in the evening? I was wondering if I should bring any firewood. Looks like I won't have that railer afterall. I'll be looking for your van after we pull in. I'll be driving a maroon/red '97 Chev S-10 pu with a matching topper, WI plates.

re: FRS. I'll have mine on Ch 11/3 unless I hear otherwise. How about: "The High Road Campers" for a call sign? :)

Looking forward to meeting everyone!
FYI to out of towners. You might want to check with the range about fires and tracer ammo. We haven't had rain here in quite a while and none if forecast for the weekend. (won't seem the same without the mud)

As a result, things are pretty dry. I have been busy so haven't kept up with the local news, but their may be an open burn ban in effect. Plan accordingly.

Just got word from the boss that I may be off Saturday so hope to bump into a few of you there.
Firewood will be welcome.

May or may not have the Shiner bottle on top. I still haven't packed, work is going apebleep, and Arne is due in two hours.

It's a 1995 3/4 ton Chevy conversion van with Missouri plates. I'm loading the big tent tonight.

Gonna try to park near the top of the hill toward the guard shack. Want a flat area.

Cell is 314-920-6860.
FYI to out of towners. You might want to check with the range about fires and tracer ammo. We haven't had rain here in quite a while and none if forecast for the weekend. (won't seem the same without the mud)
Oh man....! I suppose that means no big tracer/explosion show on Saturday night...? :(

** Edited: I just sent them an e-mail about any possible burn ban. I'll post any reply I get.

*** edited again: dangit - the e-mail I sent them just came back undeliverable. WTH?
AAAAAAARrrrrrrrgggggg!!!!!!! :cuss:

My carpool buddy just e-mail me and said he's got a nasty cold and is backing out. If I can't find someone else to make the trip with I don't know if I'll be making it afterall.

)(*% ()$##$ :banghead:
How about some pictures from last night?
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