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Unsafe for children to be in homes with guns...

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I grew up with my dad and grandpa's guns hanging on a rack. I had my own pellet gun at 6 and shot my first shotgun at 8. I went to HS with kids having shotguns in racks in the back of their pickups. Kids are more likely to die in a car accident.
An interesting bit of trivia here from a couple links:



The first was posted in 2004 and claims 195,000 deaths annually from medical errors.

The second was posted last year claims preventable errors contributed to the deaths of 210,000 people in hospitals annually. "That is the baseline. The actual number more than doubles, James reasoned, because the trigger tool doesn’t catch errors in which treatment should have been provided but wasn’t, because it’s known that medical records are missing some evidence of harm, and because diagnostic errors aren’t captured."

Soooo....how does the medical community's record stack up against the firearms deaths?

Well, let's take a look at the following link, from the medical community no less:


"In the U.S. for 2010, there were 31,513 deaths from firearms, distributed as follows by mode of death: Suicide 19,308; Homicide 11,015; Accident 600. This makes firearms injuries one of the top ten causes of death in the U.S. The number of firearms-related injuries in the U.S., both fatal and non-fatal, increased through 1993, declined to 1999, and has remained relatively constant since. However, firearms injuries remain a leading cause of death in the U.S., particularly among youth (CDC, 2001) (Sherry et al, 2012)."

And then there's this link:


Which specifically cites the 2010 CDC statistic of 369 child deaths due to firearms in 2010.

Looking up some other statistics, I found that there were 661,400 practicing doctors in the United States in 2008. There are currently over 117 MILLION households with firearms in the United States.

117 million households with firearms, 369 annual child deaths due to firearms and 31,000 annual deaths due to firearms total.

661,400 practicing doctors and up to 440,000 deaths due to medical errors.

Seems to me that the medical community needs to put themselves at the top of the list on brochures, hmmm?
117 million households with firearms, 369 annual child deaths due to firearms and 31,000 annual deaths due to firearms total.

661,400 practicing doctors and up to 440,000 deaths due to medical errors.

Seems to me that the medical community needs to put themselves at the top of the list on brochures, hmmm?
As a percentage, the numbers are not looking good for doctors.:eek:
.000315% child deaths due to firearms/households with firearms
.026% total deaths due to firearms/households with firearms
66.5% death by doctor/practicing doctors
Like I said, doctors are far more dangerous than guns.

If an ordinary person kills someone every two years with a gun that person is a serial killer.

If a doctor kills someone every two years that doctor is better than average.

-And they have the gall to complain about gun owners!
I had the same experience with my pediatrician when my kids were younger. When i questioned the doctor about it, she got sanctimonious about it and went on a rabid uninformed anti-gun rant...ie. we will take your guns away. Then she asked me forcibly how my guns were stored. If I answered this question wrong she implied that she would report me to the "authorities."

The best way to handle this is to tell the doctor that he/she should be careful what he/she says because this is a boundary violation and refuse to answer any questions about your guns or how they are stored. In my case, I let her know that if any "authorities" arrived at my house, she would have a major problem on her hands and to shut her big mouth and keep her political views to herself. She quickly shut her big stupid mouth.

Then, find another doctor who is sympathetic to our cause...
I can't even find a doctor that takes my ppo. I guess they reserve those rules for the crowd that drive their kids to a different activity every few hours, then wonder why they have ADD.
Sol said:
Funny, my doctor gave me a pamphlet that says don't go to the doctor because they inadvertantly kill people with misdiagnosis, malpractice and prescribing of bad drugs

Ironic as it is, I recently saw the statistics (can't remember the year, like 2012 I think) where it showed the number of deaths from malpractice compared to firearms-related deaths (all categories I think). It was extremely lopsided and you were like 6000 times more likely to die from the hands of a doctor than a firearm.

I would be more concerned seeing a doctor in my house than a gun:D

ETA - I found it. Statistics are pretty valid from 2000, but the comparison is more for humor since most the "doctor" related deaths include wrongly prescribed medication or those who are close to terminally ill. Still, I plan to tell any doctor with such material that I'm statistically 9000 more times at risk of death being in a hospital than around a gun in my home!

(A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is 700,000.

(B) Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year are 120,000.

(Calculation) Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171.

Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of Health Human Services


Now think about this:


(A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000.

(Yes, that's 80 million..)

(B) The number of accidental gun death per year, all age groups, is 1,500.

(Calculation) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is .000188.

Statistics courtesy of FBI


So, statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.


Remember, 'Guns don't kill people, doctors do.'




Please alert your friends to this alarming threat.

We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand!!!!!
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Its a standard fear issue. What you don't know you don't understand. What you don't understand you fear. The best way out is to offer a CME class for medical professionals regarding firearms safety in the home.

I don't have kids but may one day. If so, I will need to bring this up early and include that its negligent to recommend trigger locks (cable locks though the magazine well are good, a RSC is better).
I have 5 kids all under 6 years old and they all know what a gun is, where I keep it, that it is very dangerous and that they should never touch it.

At first my 3 boys were really curious about it I let them hold it (unloaded of course) let them hold it and handle it and I told them that this was not like their toys and it was not like the TV.

They all got a chance to hold the gun and ease their curiosity. I took them out and fired the gun the sound was enough to scare them from wanting to ever go near it again.

My daughters were scared from the sound and they don't even like to go in the same room as the gun, the boys
were interested for about 10 minutes realized that it was only so much fun and then they lost interest.

They will mention the gun now and again and I am happy to talk to them about guns.

My thought was that if I were to hide guns around the house and not tell them about it and not show them what it was capable of they would eventually find it. I don't care how well you hide it, or how secure kids will eventually find their way in or find your stash. Kids need to know what firearms are and educating them is the only way to avoid accidents.
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