"We have little use for handguns.." Lorain Morning Journal

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Hey, I have no problem with people not wanting to own a gun personally, if that is their choice... but to insist that the rest of us not have them... that's just plain stupid.
We have little use for handguns, which the daily parade of headlines across the nation shows doing far more harm than good, especially in cities like Lorain and Cleveland and Washington, D.C.

Dictatorships, fascist states, and other less-than-free societies have little use for a free press. The only reason we have one here is because of the gun that LMJ says they have little use for.
They have to write the Governor not the mayor because Ohio is actually a gun friendly state. (other than a few socialist nutjob sanctuaries) Ohio decided that State law on firearms is supreme law. So, local jurisdictions can't pass stupid gun bans (mag limits, handgun bans, etc.) Cleveland is upset because this overturned their strict laws.

I don't see the Supreme Court upholding the D.C. ban. As we all know, if they decide that the 2A is for militias only, this could bassically overturn the entire Bill of Rights. This isn't just about local gun bans. This is about our guns. From handguns and AR15s, all the way down to the muzzleloading rifles that I love.

But, if they say that is is just for Militias, I guess I'll go and form my own Militia. And under that interpretation, I should be allowed to own fully automatic weapons, without infringment. (high tax, registration, high price for the arms)
What too many politicians and much of the media do not understand:

Just Because You Don't Like Something, Doesn't Mean It Should be Illegal!
I don't like whiskey, cigarettes or gay bars....

In the long run, I'm glad we live in a country where we can pretty much do what we want as long as we're not infringing on others rights. (see article on Brittish teacher in Sudan and the 19 year old rape victim in Saudi Arabia)

Lord help us if the kooks (right or left) ever take over.
If the Saudi's didn't have all that oil, there would be an uproar over that case and many more like them.There is no rape under sharia law.The woman is always considered an adulterer, and forcible rape is always the fault of the woman, who basically has no rights!And those are our friends in the middle east, yikes! With friends like that we don't need anymore enemies!
Wow, we're really giving it to them on that page :D I particularly like this quote, and its from any of you, i'm going to let you know that i'm stealing it for my sig :D
"Clearly there is irresponsible use of the first amendment in play here. I say we restrict the author to one paragraph per month. We need to be sure to tax any high capacity presses or web sites. We should limit his articles to ten hits. But we'll allow the state to use as much ink and get as many hits as they like because the first amendment, like the second, is clearly a collective right."
We have little use for handguns, which the daily parade of headlines across the nation shows doing far more harm than good, especially in cities like Lorain and Cleveland and Washington, D.C. We hope the high court upholds the D.C. gun ban and reads the Second Amendment as plainly referring to the establishment of state militias.

I have no use at all for the Lorain Morning Journal. I hope that the high court rules that you are not entitled to any benefits from the first ten amendments to the Constitution and that you take a long cruise during which you are afflicted by both seasickness and lockjaw.

You're ugly too. I won't let you play wiv my toys and I'm going to tell the teacher on you.

Hillary and Barack say that you're not their best friends anymore, and Oprah doesn't really like you either. Nancy Pelosi told her mommy that you have bad breath.

So there.
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