How many NFA items are 'approved' per year?

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May 2, 2011
How many NFA related forms/applications are approved - annually - that require a pre-emptive $200 'Tax'?

Are these numbers even published & readily available? Web searches related to this topic yield such an overwhelming amount of 'wait time' talk that I had to see if anyone here could point me in the right direction. Thank you!
How many NFA related forms/applications are approved - annually - that require a pre-emptive $200 'Tax'?
All Form 1's are $200
Form 4's are $200 except for AOW's that transfer @ $5

Final figures for 2016 have not been published, but ATF says more than 276,000 Form 1/4's were received immediately prior to implementation of 41F on July 13th, 2016.
That's more than all of 2016 and more than 2009/2010/2011 combined.

Are these numbers even published & readily available? Web searches related to this topic yield such an overwhelming amount of 'wait time' talk that I had to see if anyone here could point me in the right direction. Thank you!


Average processing time 5 months? My how times have changed, for the worse. My last F1 was just shy of a year. A current F4 is past 10 months and counting.
I've had six stamps arrive in the last week:
two were trusts submitted last October 5th & November 17th
three were individuals submitted in April 2017, one May 15th, 2017
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