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Trading Components vs. Buying & Selling

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Jan 9, 2021
New here, I’m having a hard time finding primers, but I find people are willing to trade components instead of sell.

One of my buddies refuses to sell his components and gouge people
Yea I have traded some loaded ammo for primers. Things are kind of all over the place right now and it can be very frustrating. Some people want more for primer than loaded ammo lol.
Yea I have traded some loaded ammo for primers. Things are kind of all over the place right now and it can be very frustrating. Some people want more for primer than loaded ammo lol.
I don’t do buy, sell or trade with people who gouge. Just keep it up, make friends, and fare deals will come.
I have given some primers away recently, and if I stumble on someone with CCI-450s to trade, and the trade is reasonable, I would, but it is more likely I will have to substitute something else if I run out before they show up at normal prices.
It's relative, if they want to value their stuff at today's price I'll do the same. Or, we can trade at 2018 prices. I'm pretty much just loading and shooting, helping a few close friends with things they need. Not looking to sell but would trade if we both were happy with the deal. It is very situation dependent. Odd times for sure.
It's relative, if they want to value their stuff at today's price I'll do the same. Or, we can trade at 2018 prices. I'm pretty much just loading and shooting, helping a few close friends with things they need. Not looking to sell but would trade if we both were happy with the deal. It is very situation dependent. Odd times for sure.
on a happy note, my range sells brass to member at scape brass price. I bought 35# of 308 for $45 !
Doing my first trade for a component in the morning. Trading a brick of CCI SPP for a brick of large magnum rifle primers. I know the pistol primers are a bit harder to get, but I'm down to 800 mag primers and I'm nervous about future availability and hunting seasons.
That's why I keep the largest stock of large rifle and magnum large rifle.
Hunting is the highest priority.
My defense ammo is store bought for the most part.
I sold a thousand SPP to a good friend to get him started again after a 20 year hiatus. Sold them to him for the price that was on the box from purchasing 6 years ago. He would do the same for me. I’d really only be interested in the right trade. Money is no good if you can’t find what you need. Paying the prices people are asking now is ridiculous, and I can’t see selling anything only to have to try and replace it. I’ll just load and shoot for a while.

I listed a jug of H4350 offered in trade for Retumbo I needed. I posted on a few sites and some of those required a price, so I put $300, which was above what I paid but noted in the listing open GB auctions were in the $500 range.

I got absolutely flamed. I have pretty thick skin so I didn't care, but I did defend myself saying I only put a dollar value because of site rules and clearly preferred a trade for something equally unavailable. And pointed out that the auctions were up to $600, someone had recently snagged one for the BIN $800, and newer listings now had a $900 BIN.

I found my Retumbo and pulled the ad but if someone had offered to drive, I would have honored the price and they would have gotten a decent price.

I had one potential buyer who was on the edge but hesitant to drive four hours one way. I regularly check the usual suspects and Powder Valley had just gotten some in. I PM'd him with the heads up. He sure appreciated that.
I want to trade some small pistol for large rifle. I’m post a sign at my gun club
I've done a few trades, mostly for primers. I'm lucky, Dallas is a pretty big area, so I can usually find someone nearby to trade up with. These days, with components being so hard to find, I've cleaned off the bench looking for stuff I don't need... because someone somewhere can probably use it. I just sent off some .357 brass just this week, for example... I've been out of the .38/.357 business for a few years, no sense holding on to it.
I haven't done any reloading in a little over a year. I decided to start back up last week and ran through my inventory. I was seriously short on the powder I needed but have a decent stock of primers. Yesterday I started a post on the local Nextdoor App offering to barter primers for powder, and by this morning I had acquired 3 containers. The post seems to have initiated a lot of trades between other folks as well.
I'd rather trade if I have something I can live without. Like @Ohen Cepel said. Value yours how you like, and I'll value mine the same way.
I'd only consider selling/trading 'I can live without it' stuff, but there will always be those who might prefer making a quick buck.
I use online Vendors/Retailers for general price/value information. I don't / won't ask 'Gun Buyer' prices as I wouldn't pay that myself.
I'd only consider selling/trading 'I can live without it' stuff, but there will always be those who might prefer making a quick buck.
I use online Vendors/Retailers for general price/value information. I don't / won't ask 'Gun Buyer' prices as I wouldn't pay that myself.
I recently traded some primers that I didn't really want to trade. But I got the dies I needed without paying inflated prices for them. And since I didn't pay inflated prices for the primers, it worked out especially since the guy I traded with sweetened the pot somewhat. It's a caliber I didn't anticipate needing to load for, so I was kinda caught off guard by the "sudden need" for components for it.
I recently traded some primers that I didn't really want to trade. But I got the dies I needed without paying inflated prices for them. And since I didn't pay inflated prices for the primers, it worked out especially since the guy I traded with sweetened the pot somewhat. It's a caliber I didn't anticipate needing to load for, so I was kinda caught off guard by the "sudden need" for components for it.
9mm?!?!?! I’ve seen them as high as $90
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