Late season doe hunting-pregnant

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.....I made mention to my girlfriend that I was going and she’s upset because I may shoot a doe that’s pregnant.

"Anthropomorphism"....attributing human characteristics or behavior to animals or objects

Walt Disney was the biggest anthropomorphism promoter when he gave Bambi human emotions and characteristics. Now generations have grown up with that in mind. As previously mentioned, nearly every doe has been bred and has some form of embryonic development. People who get hung up on this need to quit watching cartoons and get back to reality.
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Lol a girl deciding it’s ok to kill something she’s already decided she doesn’t want anything to happen to would be about as likely as Santa clause bringing you a 67 Camaro

From what the OP has said, I think the issue is just as much with him as the girl.......

Pretty much what I was asking are what are the odds I field dress a doe and there is something already developed inside of it? I dont think i could handle that and would probably hang it up after that. BTW she eats more of the venison than I do.

.....again, to most folks the idea of killing something with a baby inside is not pleasant. Used to be around here, that folks would have the unborn fawns from car-killed does mounted as they were so tiny and cute. Somehow it made them feel like it was a tribute to the poor fawn that was never born. During a late season antlerless hunt, the fetus is not going to be anything that you would want to mount. Growing up on the farm, pregnant animals got butchered or shipped, sometimes there was no choice. Years ago, I had a friend who claimed he would only shoot "dry" does to fill his antlerless tag. When I asked him how he knew the doe was "dry", he would claim any doe without a fawn with her is "dry". Anyone who hunts the rut knows that does kick their fawns off during this time. This was also the time when this friend was hunting. I think he was just trying to convince himself that he was not orphaning a fawn, even tho it doesn't matter.
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.again, to most folks the idea of killing something with a baby inside is not pleasant. Used to be around here, that folks would have the unborn fawns from car-killed does mounted as they were so tiny and cute. Somehow it made them feel like it was a tribute to the poor fawn that was never born. During a late season antlerless hunt, the fetus is not going to be anything that you would want to mount. Growing up on the farm, pregnant animals got butchered or shipped, sometimes there was no choice. Years ago, I had a friend who claimed he would only shoot "dry" does to fill his antlerless tag. When I asked him how he knew the doe was "dry", he would claim any doe without a fawn with her is "dry". Anyone who hunts the rut knows that does kick their fawns off during this time. This was also the time when this friend was hunting. I think he was just trying to convince himself that he was not orphaning a fawn, even tho it doesn't matter.
Most people dont think twice when consuming chicken eggs. Strange how many become conditioned on how they perceive life depending on the animal.
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I’d shoot a pregnant doe and not think twice about it. My wife probably couldn’t shoot a deer at all. She’s just to soft-hearted. It’s something I would do and just not discuss it unless she brought it up. In that case, I’d ask her how she feels about eating eggs and leave the discussion there.
There is a lot of angst among hunters these days.

Every time I shoot a doe post-rut, I fully understand I am also killing an unborn deer inside of her.

I am truly in awe of even any hint of anti-deer hunting. Its almost like nobody ever drives down a highway. Then again, I don’t necessarily think most of the average humans would be able to piece together the benefits of hunting from seeing pasted and rotten deer carcasses on the roadways.
We all have tolerances for stuff, killing and death are no different.
Out here theres a time with MORE babies of every type, but as far as I know all of our game animals breed year round to some degree. If theres a given time for breeding where you live, then anything over a month or so from start could show pretty obvious development.

If the idea dosent bother you, just the fact of possibly seeing the fawn, then dress the animal as suggested here.
And dont go into the squishy bits.

Often ill actually use that basic idea, but just take the legs off skin and all, then straps and chest/neck meat and bag that.....quick fairly clean, and its easy ro just shove everything in a back pack.
Actually cleaned a couple pigs with my buddy like that today....both were probably pregnant.
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