Texans - help reelect a RKBA friendly rep!

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Feb 28, 2009
South-Central Texas
State Senator Kirk Watson (D-Austin) [who gets no love from me] is trying to break the "Republican monopoly" in the legislature. He's having an online poll to see which Democratic State Representative in a contested election should get a $10,000 donation from his campaign fund.

There are 10 finalists in Round 2, and only one of them, Abel Herrero (District 34, the Corpus Christi area), supported the campus carry and parking lot bills in the last session.

If one of these 10 is going to get the cash, it might as well be one that's friendly to RKBA issues. Voting ends Saturday, so vote early and often. ;) Current results: Herrero is in the lead with 1090, with number two being Paula Pierson in a distant second at 640.


A bunch of looks, but no replies? Please tell me y'all are voting. Herrero is down this morning and needs some help.

I don't typically vote Democratic, but I'll vote for a 2A friendly Dem before I vote for an Repub just because of his party affiliation.
A pro-gun Democrat still isn't worth voting for. Sure they may vote pro-gun, but where does he stand on everything else that's killing the country? Are there really anti-gun Republicans from TX?
Well, as you say, if one of them is going to get the dough, might as well be him. So I gave him the nod, but saw no link to see current results.

Well, as you say, if one of them is going to get the dough, might as well be him. So I gave him the nod, but saw no link to see current results.


It looks like they pulled the results page. The last count i saw yesterday had Veronica Gonzales jumping ahead by almost 100 'votes' in just a few minutes. After a couple days of everyone slowly creeping upward, that seemed suspicious.
A pro-gun Democrat still isn't worth voting for. Sure they may vote pro-gun, but where does he stand on everything else that's killing the country?

I voted for Herrero to keep the money from going to someone who is anti-gun. Somebody gets the cash, so it might as well be someone who is 2A friendly.

Who knows, whoever gets the money may still lose, and that would be fine with me. Kirk Watson 'loses' $10K, and the Dems don't gain a seat in the statehouse.
The fact that they ask for my name and email address in order to "validate" my vote seems to indicate that someone is tampering with the results by "voting early and often"...
If I thought they'd only count "valid" votes, I'd go for it.
George Bush said he would sign a CHL law if elected Governor and the law was presented to him.
Ann Richards would not even allow a non-binding resolution on a Texas ballot to find out how Texans felt about a concealed handgun law. She said she knows what's best for Texans.
Guess who won by a great majority?
I will never vote for any Dem here in Texas, I cannot forget how they killed our Campus Carry and Parking Lot Bills last session by their chubbing so no vote could be had on voter ID requirements. These games they played held up a lot of worth while bills from being voted on, and they should not be given a pass on these antics.
The Campus Carry and Parking Lot Bills were killed in the Texas House of Representatives by the Chair of the Calendars Committee. That person was Representative Brian McCall, a REPUBLICAN from Plano. He did not seek re-election, instead he is taking the position of Chancellor of the Texas State University system. Hmm, seems kinda fishy doesn't it?

It's not just Democrats that are against RKBA, Republicans are just as bad. I'd advise you to remember that. It's not the party, it's the person that you should be examining when deciding who to vote for.
bwdilli, I respectfully disagree with you on this, I followed these bills very closely, both bills were scheduled to come to a vote with enough votes to pass them. It was the Dem's who started the "chubbing" in order to slow everything down as to not allow a vote for the "Voter ID" Bill. this in itself killed these and many other important bills that never received a vote. Could have they been voted on earlier in the process, possibly, but lets not twist the facts that it was the Democratic Party that gave the death sentence to both Campus Carry and the Parking Lot Bill, when push comes to shove all politicians vote along the party lines, I personally relate more to one party than the other, to me a "D" is a 4 letter word and will remain so until they move closer to my beliefs.
Per the forum rules, we don't do R-vs-D debates on THR. You can discuss RKBA activism here (without the coloration of party affiliation), or take the discussion elsewhere.

And to be eligible for Activism, you actually need to have a an implementable plan of action.
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