Scantily Clad women and gun advertisements. acceptable or not?

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You know, after 40 I figured my libido would slow to a point that I wouldn't linger on those scantily clad female ads. BOY WAS I WRONG!!! I am firmly (notice the subtle pun there :D ) of the opinion that some people need to come out of the dark ages! It's just like the "slip" at the superbowl. Now because of a few prudes, we are stuck with geriatric halftime shows. Seriously guys, how the hell do you think you got here! There's not a thing wrong with the human body. It's a wondrous miracle of nature. (Some more wondrous than others :D ). Get your heads out of the sand and wake up prudes.
Yeah it's trashy, and it pretty much brands the seller as trashy. I also think it's outdated. But then again most firearm related ads are outdated and clunky. Fake exploding ninjas with bad graphics for example, being used to sell "tactical" ammo or "operator" gear.

There's not a thing wrong with the human body.

If this is about being open with our nude selves, then why don't they have the average gun owners hanging out in bikinis? I'll pose, in my ultra sheer bicycle bibs.

[You pictured it--you can't unpicture it!]

Obviously, the scantily clad models are being used to draw attention to the product. But do you actually buy a firearm--a major investment in many cases--based on such nonsense? I'm much more inclined to watch youtube clips showing performance, recoil and the like. And of course cruise THR for views.
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America has lost her way.

You think the ads in America are something, these are nothing compared to the ads they have in Europe....

Some European ads are borderline pornography.
To answer the OP directly, as a guy, hell yes I like seeing a scantily dressed women with a firearm, car, or anything else.

Now, as a proud liberal who like guns, likes fast cars, and also cares strongly about environmental and social issues, I think there is a better way. I believe the firearm industry would benefit more by marketing the sporting interest and the family/social bond enjoyment that can be obtained by shooting firearms over the ever present 2A/anti quarrel.

The manufacturers (and us) should strive to make shooting a sport that is common as football, hockey, basketball and soccer.
I personally thinks it's trashy and morally bent for a "respectable" firearms company to take advantage of women to advertise their product. It says only bad things about the company and the fact that they need to "go there" to try to generate sales. Show a revolver next to a horse and hat. Maybe even advertise a man in a suit aiming a CCW at the camera with his GF/Wife/Daughter behind him. But to put an offensive image next to a gun/accessory for the sole purpose of drawing someone's eyes to it is not The High Road, agreed?

I am offended by all "trashy" advertising and media. Might not be what you'd expect from a 16 year old boy, but I am proud of my religious principles and feel that those sorts of things go against them.
Do you shield your son from seeing "scantily clad" girls/women in bikinis at the pool/beach or short shorts at the mall/grocery store or do you merely find it morally objectionable when "scantily clad" females appear in gun advertisements?
I enjoying viewing pictures of "trashy" women. I am proud that I have no "so called" religious principles. I display my Dillon calender in a very prominent place in my man cave. One of the other members was correct, they make good gear. :neener:
I personally thinks it's trashy and morally bent for a "respectable" firearms company to take advantage of women to advertise their product. ...I am offended by all "trashy" advertising and media. ... I am proud of my religious principles and feel that those sorts of things go against them.
I hope it is OK to quote and edit your comments above. Please see my comments a few posts above yours.

I only quote you, because I believe at first glance, you and I would would be considered miles apart on beliefs. However, I believe our core values and goals are quite similar, the difference is how we get there. Someday I hope we can all find a common ground and we will reach that common goal.
It undermines my opinion of the advertising department of the company, even if I like the product or the gals.
Same here. It's unnecessary, and it would only make me second-guess my decision to buy a company's product, assuming I were planning to do so in the first place.

If you have a great product, you have everything you need. I can find pictures of attractive women elsewhere, if that's what I'm looking for. When I'm researching firearms, or just reading outdoors-related magazines or something, I don't need (or want) women on my mind.
You think the ads in America are something, these are nothing compared to the ads they have in Europe....

That's my understanding as well. We had a visitor from Europe who was shocked at the violence on our TV. It seems that is somewhat censored in Europe, by comparision.

But sex in advertising is relatively uncensored there.

I'm glad my parents allowed me unrestricted access to reading materials at a very early age, after having taught me what was "right" and what was "wrong". They trusted me to take a pass on the "wrong" material without supervision from that point on.

I've found I can tolerate quite a bit of "trash", as long as there is a choice available. Even something as simple as an "off" switch. :)
I guess it just depends on your personal judgement system.
Point in case is the reality most firearms are bought and used by males.
These types of advertisements just might very well turn off a prospective 20's or 30's female buyers though.
Back in the 60's and 70's motorcycle advertisements were full of these things because by and large motorcycles then were overwhelmingly a male dominated vehicle.
As I have aged now it's obvious the firearm could be advertised without the sex induced angle but then again men mostly are the ones who overwhelmingly buy and use firearms and the old tired and worn angle is still being used.
Obviously it works.
Everyone has their own idea of what's trashy and that's fine by me.
Myself I absolutely loath tattoos on women.
Others here will take great offense at this because their own mothers sport them.
Everything else being equal I would pay more attention to an ad for a firearm featuring Meg Ryan in a bikini than one featuring Lou Diamond Phillips in a Speedo. Go figure. In the everyday world it isn't common to see eye candy in the same picture with a firearm so the novelty is going to make an impression and that is what the seller wants. What's the issue as long as the ad isn't in poor taste?
Scantily Clad women are always acceptable to me regardless of where they appear. I may be old, but I ain't dead.
Men like guns......

Men like scantily clad women.....

Men like scantily clad women with guns.....seems like a no brainer.

Here in lies the problem. Scantily-clad women are used mostly to sell items... to men. Duh. Tools, motorcycles, and yes, guns. Which is great, except I'd like to see guns marketed to women at least as much as to men. These aren't the caveman days. Women are out in public just as much as men, and they're often alone and even more vulnerable than men. Women need self protection AT LEAST as much as men. And seriously, sticking a pink grip on a revolver is NOT the way to get women interested.

I'm fortunate that my wife is more into shooting than many women. But it's not an easy sell. Most women think of guns as a "man's thing". I'd love to see that change.
I personally thinks it's trashy and morally bent for a "respectable" firearms company to take advantage of women to advertise their product. It says only bad things about the company and the fact that they need to "go there" to try to generate sales. Show a revolver next to a horse and hat. Maybe even advertise a man in a suit aiming a CCW at the camera with his GF/Wife/Daughter behind him. But to put an offensive image next to a gun/accessory for the sole purpose of drawing someone's eyes to it is not The High Road, agreed?

I am offended by all "trashy" advertising and media. Might not be what you'd expect from a 16 year old boy, but I am proud of my religious principles and feel that those sorts of things go against them.

So because YOU don't like it you feel that others shouldn't be allowed to make their own choices? This sort of mindset really aggravates me.
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