Tell Us Why It’s Ethical to Eat Meat

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Interesting topic. Although I do not find anything wrong with eating meat, I cannot think of a way to persuade those that think eating meat is unethical.

Looking at it in a scientific prospective, we as a species have evolved to be omnivores. If we did not form civilizations and enhance agricultural production, there would be nothing unethical about it. I think that the only reason those that think it is unethical is because the human race could survive without the consumption of meat. Therefore, I do not really see a real reason for either side. It comes down to the fact that we evolved to eat meat, and then science advanced enough that it is no longer needed.
Interesting dilemma. But I think it has a mild logical fallacy.

As one of the posters above pointed out, he can't find anything unethical about eating (in my case at least ethically harvested) meat. Isn't it in the interest of a disagreeing party to prove that it is indeed unethical to eat meat, rather than someone having to prove they're not doing something unethical?
What they're saying is "I accuse you of being unethical. Prove your ethicality."
The only answer to that is "Prove I am unethical first."

Ya know?
Food has no ethics outside of cannibalism, in my parentally instilled moral code. Food is fuel, and tasty fuel gets eaten more often. :)
Why? Because I can't stand the high-pitched screams of the vegetables as they're ripped from the ground and cut up and cooked.

Because my incisors and canine teeth are there for that specific purpose. If humans were just meant to eat vegetables we would have a mouth full of molars.
It's what our bodies are wired for.

Why wouldn't we eat meat?

There's nothing unethical about it

*swyped from the evo so excuse any typos*
Aren't all the judges anti-carnivorous?

That sounds like a really fair and balanced contest. Ya think maybe they're really looking for the worst, not the best? I choose not to play.
Because the Almighty did not create me at the top of HIS food chain, to eat salads.
If the good Lord had intended for us to graze on greenery....he would have given us 4 stomachs like cattle. Our digestive system is that of a carnivore.

The premise of the question is flawed, it presumes eating meat is an ethical and moral is not. There are those in our society that would like to make it that way so as to create guilt and victims.
Anyone ever seen a healthy looking vegan or vegetarian? I sure haven't. Sick all the time, skin that looks like Elmers Glue, just eww. I'll take my meat and taters please.
Because my incisors and canine teeth are there for that specific purpose. If humans were just meant to eat vegetables we would have a mouth full of molars.
Nuff said, we're the top of the food chain.
Strange question. Eating meat isn't ethical or unethical. Its just another source of protein and it tastes good.

Just for fun, how about this? Meat is tasty. Tasty foods make people happy. Happy people are more prosocial. Prosocial behavior is good for society. Therefore, NOT eating meat is, overall, bad for society and things that are destructive to society are unethical.
If humans hadn't become physiologically able to extract from protein from meat we wouldn't be here folks, so the the debate would have never occurred.
well lets see humans only recently began any real agricultural (in the grand scheme of things) and with the slow rate of human evolutioin humans arent adapted to all the grains and stuff most of a humans diet should be meat evolutionarily speaking
Don't forget that chippable/sharpenable stone tools gave humans the ability to acquire meat, and fire gave humans the ability to "pre-digest" it, so to speak. Brain size and "brain-power" took off like a sky-rocket because of exactly that.
wrs840 said:
....Don't forget that stone tools gave humans the ability to acquire meat, and fire gave humans the ability to "pre-digest" it, so to speak. Brain size and "brain-power" took off like a sky-rocket because of exactly that.

Must be a meat shortage in Washington D.C........
Excerpt from link:

But few have tried to answer the fundamental ethical issue: Whether it is right to eat animals in the first place, at least when human survival is not at stake.

I don’t know if this was meant as a “qualifier” or is just a general statement.

If the latter, I would point out…that in certain geographic areas…meat resources constitute a large part of the available proteins needed for sustenance.

I consider sustaining life to be “ethical”….so by default those folks are O.K.;)

As for society’s fortunate enough to have a “practical” choice, I still see no dilemma….since I subscribe to the Biblical standard and example of man having dominion over the animals (at least after the flood).

Without turning this into a religious discussion (rightly forbidden here), that makes it “good enough for me”.
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