Electronic Earmuffs w/ Walki-Talki support

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Apr 6, 2011
I can't seem to find any electronic earmuffs that have the ability to have a handheld radio integrated into them. All google turns up are earmuffs that have an AM/FM raido...which isn't what I want at all.

Any ideas or leads?
Cabela's, Midway, Brownell's, and many others who offer hearing protection products would be a good place to start. You can read the descriptions of the products and often find a reference to a feature that allows use with a radio.

I go to websites like these to discover brand names in a product category and then go to the brands' websites to see everything they offer, not just the models that Cabela's, et al. choose to offer.

If I find a brand and model that I want, I google it to find the best price from a vendor I think I can trust.

Good luck.
Just curious, but why would you want to incorporate a 2-way radio?
Outside of military/paramilitary use it's pretty common on industrial sites or high excitement construction.

If these were available 25 yrs ago I bet my hearing would be much better. Having to choose between communication and protection was difficult at times.
Didn't know 3M owned Peltor. Neat.

Are most high quality electronic hearing protection earmuffs equally comfortable or is there one model that is "wear all day, oops I forget they were on" comfortable?
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HyScore Over and Out elec muffs with a 31NNR-pretty good-as most others are 20 something.Best-o-Luck
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