my white wale

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Jan 30, 2012
I have been hunting hard in two states since the last week of Sept. A missed shot, a jammed bolt, a mediocre buck recovered after I left for a flight home. I decided to call a guy I used last year who runs day leases and spent the last three weekends watching bucks just out of range on his ranch. Sat morning I was seeing doe but no bucks, decided to try and rattle and I have never had any success in that department. 7:45 started to rattle and I see something at 500 yards coming over the hill so I get my gun up and it is the neighbor looking to see what was fighting. Put my light on him and he turned around and I had my fingers crossed he didnt blow my hunt. Seconds later I catch movement behind me and it is a buck coming in to see what is going on, he catches me going for my gun and busts. In my mind I am batting 1000 so I decide to relax and try again at 8:00. I get on the the horns and almost instantly this guy come flying in and stops at 70 yards and this time I was ready. 7 mag to the ribs and he still ran 50 yards. This ranch has some good deer and I told him I would give him a plug as a favor so if any of y'all are in the Texas Hill Country and want to hunt send me a PM. I have hunted his place on 5 different days late into the season and I have always seen deer as he is over run with doe.

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(where's the bullet hole?) did you shoot on his right, and it didn't go through?

thats the entrance using 150grn 7 mag winchester ballistic silver tips. bullet took out an 8" diameter chunk of ribs and exited through the left ham. The jacket came off under the hide on the exit side. It was pretty horrific wound channel once skinned.

Nice buck! Very typical looking of a TX buck - skinny with large racks. SOmetimes when I become desperate in hunting I also want to pay for a high fenced hunt but am too cheap for it.
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