Michael Moore Interview: Could Be GAME CHANGER

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May 8, 2005
WA state
Hi guys. I heard about this interview today with Michael Moore, the guy who did the Columbine CO school shooting film. It absolutely was not what I expected. It completely blew me out of my chair. Take the time to watch the whole thing. But, if time is short pay particular attention at what is said from around 11 min 30 sec into the video - that is, the last 3 minutes.
And then, please pass it on to others. If this kind of information was put out there stongly, it could very well be a game changer. It could be at the heart of an offensive against those attacking the 2A. As important as this, is protecting the kids including those impacted by these medications.
Thank you:

Better than I expected. Guns are the smoke screen. And as he states the other issues need to be investigated.
RatDrall - I know, when I first saw his name - I thought the same as you.

I was absolutely blown away by this. It could be important to the defense of the 2A - to hear if from a guy like him, who has done a complete turn around on this issue. Regards, - - -

P.S. - I wasnt quite sure where to put this topic. It got shut down on the activism discussion forum - which I understand. Though there is kinda the call to action - to demand an investigation on this. As far as I can find, here at the Legal forum is the only place for discussing general 2A topics. If I'm mistaken perhaps some one would please direct me as to the best place to post this on THR. Thanks.
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This is what quite a few have been saying for a long time... I agree. It is too convenient for kids to go on drugs to help them behave. While I do think there are cases where some might need medicine, I have also seen a lot of abuse of it too...
I wouldn't just start celebrating Moore's name. Just last week on one of the social media sites he was posting an image of an M-4 and some lawn darts and asking "Guess which one of these is subject to more regulations?"
Cjohnson76- yes, youre right of course. Many of us were already aware of this issue. But what has gotten a lot of peoples attention is that Michael Moore - who was a strong voice on the anti side for years - - - has had a complete turn around as to the likely cause of these shootings. And, the case against these psychiatric drugs is presented in this video so effectively. If we can get non gun people to stop and think "Hey . . maybe its not about the guns afterall." that would be quite an accomplishment IMO. Best regards, - - -

P.S. - another benefit of this video is that it was done back in July 2012. Moore can't change his position now to appeal to his core audience after recent events, (though perhaps he wouldnt do this anyway - he seemed very sincere. )
The point is schools administer those psychotropic drugs like jelly beans to these boys and take no responsibility for making them crazy.
BigG said " The point is schools administer those psychotropic drugs like jelly beans to these boys and take no responsibility for making them crazy. "

Yes ! I wish I could give you an 'up arrow' or 'attaboy' but I dont see a way to do that on this forum.

And, Eli Lilly covered up the results of their own studies that showed all this.
he was posting an image of an M-4 and some lawn darts and asking "Guess which one of these is subject to more regulations?

Sure, but his emphasis was skewed. Lawn darts were essentially banned because of the idiocy of a few people, once again punishing everyone for the mistakes/misdeeds of a few because that was the easy path. Government loves to take the easy route to being able to say, "We care, so we did something about this."

It was no more appropriate to ban lawn darts than it would be to ban the M-4.
SilentBob said: "I wouldn't just start celebrating Moore's name. Just last week on one of the social media sites he was posting an image of an M-4 and some lawn darts and asking "Guess which one of these is subject to more regulations?"

I absolutely agree with you. I would have to see the other video. Maybe he should have included a bottle of these pills and ask - "Which of these have been a factor in so many senseless murders and suicides ?" But Moore can't flip flop on this one - his words are already out there. And in July 2012 he made a very strong case in that video.

BTW - if anyone is more computer saavy than I am, maybe they can record the video in case YouTube decides to take it down. "copywrite' , you know.

IMO this could be a game changer, not just because its out there - - - but only if those of us who support the 2A and those who care about whats happening to kids demand an investigation of this. Regards everyone, - - -
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The point is schools administer those psychotropic drugs like jelly beans to these boys and take no responsibility for making them crazy.

This is not entirely accurate. While medications can be technically administered by school staff, they are done so under physician's orders. These medications are classified as controlled or regulated substances. School staff members do not have the proper licensing to prescribe medications, and no elementary school that I know of (and I've taught in several) maintains a pharmacy.
Point shoot, I agree. I just wouldn't put a great deal of faith in Michael Moore. I agree however that it is a subject of merit. I just think that to the government, it is easier to blame the guns instead of a drug. After all, this nations medical corporations are must stronger lobbyists than our NRA or other gun owners rights organizations. Lets just hope some people can see the reason in our arguments.
Better than I expected. Guns are the smoke screen. And as he states the other issues need to be investigated.
that's kind of what he said in bowling for columbine, too... He went to canada where they also own a bunch of guns yet have low crime rates, and was asking questions about what else it might be that makes people flip here?
This is not entirely accurate. While medications can be technically administered by school staff, they are done so under physician's orders. These medications are classified as controlled or regulated substances. School staff members do not have the proper licensing to prescribe medications, and no elementary school that I know of (and I've taught in several) maintains a pharmacy.
I have heard of incidents where the school basically told the parents, get your kids on some meds, or he's not coming back.

They take away recess, they treat you like you are a criminal in jail, instead of an inquisitive young soul... Maybe they need to find a way to teach without keeping everyone in rows? Some schools succeed at that. for the most part, though now they teach kids to take tests, rather than to be curious. and they are surprised when they can't keep kids in their seats.
I must have missed it. What game is this going to change?

If we utilize this video in the correct manner, it helps get the focus off of guns and the focus on the social issues that are the real problem.

I have used it already in gun debates on social forums and it has done an amazing job of changing the focus of those discussions.
Thanks to all my fellow Americans here who have passed this video to others & have used it in their discussions.

Here's some further supporting information to help our efforts -

A physician discussing the link between these medications and violent/suicidal behavior:



And heres a chilling account from an ex Pharma sales rep. Thankfully, as an insider, she knew what was going on and could protect herself somewhat


Regards everyone, - - -

P.S. - - - I passed this on to my Congressman
anchorman said:
I have heard of incidents where the school basically told the parents, get your kids on some meds, or he's not coming back.

It is very common. Many other kids are taking medication, and they see it as a positive to have the ability to administer medication to students. It gives them more control over students and lets them do more with fewer resources.
(Whether it is actually what is best for the individual or not.)

They heavily suggest medication, make it seem like the only solution to many parents if the child is acting up, and not getting the child on medication would be viewed as not cooperating and trying to fix issue.
Making them a parent not working with the school to resolve the behavioral issues.
Such a parent might find thier child expelled sooner, and/or reports regarding the poor parenting.
Such reports from school officials would weigh heavily against the parent in the future if the state wanted to take some or all parental rights away from that parent. It could also have implications in any future custody battles where thier performance as a parent is being questioned by whoever wants custody.
So it could have consequences well beyond just enrollment at the school.

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FWIW, while Moore may have been a voice in the anti-gunner's speaker (while professing to be pro-sporting-purposes), he's also a critic of the American health care system.

Maybe he just sees the cause for what it is, and the 2A is his general target of opportunity.
It's a shame that so many give credibilty to the opinions of the Hollywood elite. I could care less what he thinks or used to think in the past.
I certainly hope that Mr. Moore's opinion is not so important to America that it is the "game changer" that sets things right.
If it does, it's another indication of how screwed up this country is.
That is great that the all pervading media culture we live in doe not affect your views, but there may be some other non-gun owners out there who might be reached by his clout (as opposed to say Alex Jones) and the way he can present his views (as opposed to most of us with a cell phone video on youtube).

Just sayin this might be an arrow in the quiver, as it were.
I agree that no one else should be able to affect what we think without thought on our part. I believe it was Johnny Depp, and I could be mistaken, that was asked about his thoughts on an issue and replied "Why should what i think matter?"

The thing is, is that these people are out there and a face to stick to a standpoint and make people aware of an issue. And if they're all that some people hear about it, yeah, it makes a difference.
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