Another push from the otherside. The good news? They sound desperate.

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ol' scratch

Apr 16, 2009
South of Hell....Michigan.
The gun control advocates are trying another push. The good news is that Obama in particular sounds desperate. If you stopped writing because you thought it was getting better, start up again. People on our side need to understand we still support them. People on the otherside of the issue need to understand there will be a political price to pay.
I watched Bloomberg's advertisement for North Carolina. An actor gave the predictable spiel about gun owners wanting reasonable gun controls. But I think the ad will actually do us good. The actor is dressed up like a caricature of a redneck, he is sitting on the bed of a pickup in front of a shack, and he is fondling the trigger of a shotgun throughout the ad. A lot of urban folks will be dismissive of the redneck character and most everyone will be offended by the not-so-subtle suggestion that North Carolina is populated by a bunch of backward rubes. That may be how New Englanders see us, but it does not play well here.
That may be how New Englanders see us, but it does not play well here.

Ha! As someone who lives in New England, and has family in NC (Chapel Hill), I can confirm your suspicion. That's how pretty much the whole Northeast views pretty much the entire south. It shocks us when we find out otherwise.
I really do hope people see through the BS in that ad.

I think the OPs assessment of Obama is correct. He sounds desperate at this point. I think the emotional capital he needed is gone, and without raw emotions getting in the way of facts, there's just not much the anti-gunners can do. So let's push hard. Harder than before, and beat these cretins into the ground!
most everyone will be offended by the not-so-subtle suggestion that North Carolina is populated by a bunch of backward rubes

interesting how Bloomberg chose that stereotype. It tells what urban rich liberals think about a world with which they have no knowledge. Personally, I find it offensive.
We've done so well thus far, I really hope people don't slack off in these final two weeks and give it up.

And of course even after the April 8th decisions we must continue to be active in securing our freedom.
I don't think we've done so well considering what has happened in Colorado, and New York. We have as much or more to fear from the states about the reduction in 2A rights.
Lets keep the 'long view' perspective. We are mostly performing holding actions. They will continually attempt to erode our rights, but we have to keep constantly vigilant, and try to gain ground when we can.
I don't think we've done so well considering what has happened in Colorado, and New York. We have as much or more to fear from the states about the reduction in 2A rights.
I'm speaking on a federal level. Considering how much the country was out for blood after CT we've curbed even the "AWB" that was so sure to pass.
Also, the NY law is getting a lot of resistance and may not stand for long.
I understand you were speaking of the Feds, but just want to be clear that our rights can, and have been reduced by Fed, State, and local governments.

Yes, the AWB on a national level may be difficult to get passed, but I don't think we're out of the woods. What do you think will happen when another shooting occurs with an AR-15 or semi-auto pistols with what the media, and anti-gun politicians think are "hi-cap" magazines?
I understand you were speaking of the Feds, but just want to be clear that our rights can, and have been reduced by Fed, State, and local governments.

Yes, the AWB on a national level may be difficult to get passed, but I don't think we're out of the woods. What do you think will happen when another shooting occurs with an AR-15 or semi-auto pistols with what the media, and anti-gun politicians think are "hi-cap" magazines?
We're definitely not out of the woods, nor will we ever be. But without our fierce resistance over these past few months we surely would have lost many more Rights.
Am I the only one who thinks the guy in the Bloomingborg commercial is trying just a little too hard on the accent? My wife's from Virginia, and has lived in Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Florida, and Georgia. She said that he sounded like the typical "Yankee" (her words) trying to fake a slight southern accent. To me it sounded like a generic mix of southern, mountain-west (utah, colorado, idaho, montana, wyoming, etc), and upper mid-west accents. In the words of whatshisname from Mrs. Doubtfire, "Your accent is a little muddled."

Hopefully so.
But if there is a future massacre they might not Need to be desperate.

I would rather say if, instead of the word 'when', and say a quiet prayer every night,
asking "Him" to offer extra protection to children, all over the world.
Strategically, we've got to get off the defensive. You can't win on the defensive, you can only postpone defeat. Logically, we can only assume that there will be another massacre (sadly).

Laws like the ones restricting further gun control are good. Ultimately, though, we've got to get more people on our side. If eventually 65% of the US population wants to repeal the 2nd Amendment, it can happen.
Logically, we can only assume that there will be another massacre (sadly).

Make all of your firearms preparations like there will be another massacre tomorrow.
Why should we not ecpect another massacre whenever the media and president talk about nothing else for four straight months.

A potential mass murderer draws from this that:

1. The mass shooting will make them more famous than the debt crisis, immigration reform, and whitehouse tours being canceled.

2. He'll get air time on every major media outlet. For months.

3. The president will directly reference his actions in the following push for gun control.
I watched Bloomberg's advertisement for North Carolina. An actor gave the predictable spiel about gun owners wanting reasonable gun controls. But I think the ad will actually do us good. The actor is dressed up like a caricature of a redneck, he is sitting on the bed of a pickup in front of a shack, and he is fondling the trigger of a shotgun throughout the ad. A lot of urban folks will be dismissive of the redneck character and most everyone will be offended by the not-so-subtle suggestion that North Carolina is populated by a bunch of backward rubes. That may be how New Englanders see us, but it does not play well here.
I'll tell you that bigotted, condescending approach won't go down well in Arkansas. Bloomberg has recruited our only Democrat Senator to make the pitch -- and he's committed political suicide by joining with Bloomberg.
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