What's involved in purchasing a gun in states OTHER than California?

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We all know California sucks, between the 10 day waiting period and 1 gun a month rule.

That sucks. :D

The UPS guy delivered my two unissued CZ-52's from AIM to my front door this afternoon. :D I'll bet C&R guns get around that 1 a month rule even in Kalifornistan.

Here in ND basically you need money. No purchase limits, full auto is ok, stuff like that....money, that's the biggest hurdle. Also, some form of I.D and fill out the yellow form. Can't be a felon. Have to go through the instant background check unless you have a CCW in which case the Brady check is waved. At my fav gun shop most transfers are 5 mins in and out with the longest probably being 10 mins because they were busy. Purchases, same thing. Just depends on how long I stand around and drool.

Around here you can CCW without a permit and not even worry about it as long as you're not committing a crime.
Great, how are jobs and the cost of living in Arizona?
I was gonna ask the same thing. I have always planned to retire there, It's been along time dream to see the painted desert.
Which state is more friendly towards gun owners, Nevada or Arizona?
Probably equally friendly with the exception of registering all handguns in Clark County (Las Vegas) so I'd say AZ on the whole. Discount Clark County and its a push... tho' there's not much between here and Reno. Now Reno and Carson City... Gun friendly Heaven with some weather. Kinda like Flagstaff
Someone mentioned SC's purchase process, however I seem to remember they have the one handgun a month rule...

Was it forgotten, repealed, or am I mistaken?

Here in NC longarms require a NICS check, no wait. Or, use a pistol permit for no call. Pistol purchases require a pistol permit from the local SD. $5 each, 5 day wait, and theyre good for five years. I know in buncombe you can get 5 at a time (may vary by county). We also have restricive carry laws, and more restrictive NFA regs. No one gun a month law. No AWB in the works that I know of.

edit: Private sales are legal, however still require a purchase permit for handguns
NH purchase

Gun shop purchase pay the price fill out the BAFT form and dealer calls NCIC and you walk out with gun.

Private sales are legal. You can purchase a handgun or rifle from your friend no paperwork.

Retail Sale:

Make selection handgun or long gun, no difference
Haggle for price
Form 4473
NICS call
Pay for selection
[Most Retail places] Someone walks your purchase to the front door
Take home

Private Sale:

Make selection
Haggle for price
Pay for selection
Take home

From Federal Firearms Licensee:

1.) Pick out gun.
2.) Say "That the least you'uns'd take fer this?"
3.) Fill out 4473. (...and put your thumbprints on a sheet to be stapled to the 4473, dog only knows why. :uhoh: )
4.) Wait for TICS check to be called in.
5.) Fork over the dough.
6.) Stroll out the door with your handgun/pocket rocket/assault weapon/sniper rifle/.50 cal/whatever.

From some guy whose ad you saw in the Bargain Barn:

1.) Meet up in the Super Wal-Mart parking lot.
2.) Say "That the least you'd take fer this?"
3.) Fork over the dough.
6.) Put your new handgun/pocket rocket/assault weapon/sniper rifle/.50 cal/whatever in your truck and drive home.
AZ private sales are unregulated, but be thou careful of whom thee sells to - a sale to a prohibited possessor is still illgal in all 50 states.
AZ - no registration, license, permit,(excpet the shall issue CCW, which is NOT weapon specific, and you may carry anything legal in AZ CCW with permit - including Class 3), no waiting period, magazine restrictions, local AWB, purchase frequency restrictions, (i.e., one gun a month garbage), no 50 cal ban, (wanna carry a Barret concealed? If you can do, you are allowed with CCW!), state pre-emption law, so no local bans to worry about, gee, am I forgetting something? Ah, yes, open carry legal almost any where, except clearly posted places like Indian reservations, places that serve open alcohol, nuclear power plants, polling places on election day, and place that has a sign posted. BTW, Macys has a sign that says "No Handguns" I am waiting for someone to walk in with a rifle - legal under AZ law!
Check packing.org for more info, or check http://www.azleg.state.az.us/ and enter in concealed carry for actual laws.
We are rapidly expanding city wise, but do remember this is a right to work state, so many wages are lower than else where. I deal with it for the freedom.:cool:
A couple things about Michigan:

There is no longer a $5 purchase permit fee.

If you have a carry permit you don't need a purchase permit, but you still have to go to the local KGB office and register it.

To sum up-don't move to Michigan for ANY reason. Not only is it not gun friendly but politically its run by Democrats on the east side (Detroit), taxes are terrible, the weather is even worse, a socialist Canadian born California indoctrinated Democrat is govenor. Let's see, gas prices are worse than Indiana, summers are ten weeks long, if you're lucky, there's no jobs, car insurance and property taxes are high, the roads are beat because of heavy winter salting.

Have I said enough?
There is no longer a $5 purchase permit fee.

If you have a carry permit you don't need a purchase permit, but you still have to go to the local KGB office and register it.

Sigh... not again! There is no state mandated $5 fee for purchase permits anymore... I keep forgetting that. However, in Kent County (Grand Rapids) you still have ot ay the $5 for the permit. If you used your CCW to buy the gun you still have to pay $5 to have it inspected.

It's bullcrap... but that's how Kent County works.
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