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    • Pudge
      Pudge replied to the thread Why Own a Snubby?.
      Searched USPSA and IDPA, none in area. I've spent $ on training. But for practice, should I stick to dry-firing, or would you say that...
    • Pudge
      Pudge replied to the thread Why Own a Snubby?.
      In this thread, much disdain has been directed at the "square range" and marksmanship. Instead, realistic training has been emphasized...
    • Pudge
      Pudge reacted to luv2safari's post in the thread Why Own a Snubby? with Like Like.
      Absolutely false... We don't have car jackings and gang crimes on the street. This has everything to do with the nature and frequency...
    • Pudge
      Pudge replied to the thread Why Own a Snubby?.
      So, a handgun that eliminated the general weak point of an auto, that could be a reason to carry a revolver (even one with a short...
    • Pudge
      Pudge replied to the thread Why Own a Snubby?.
      What is the reason for carrying extra magazines? Is there evidence of civilians using a second magazine in a shootout?
    • Pudge
      Pudge reacted to Varminterror's post in the thread Barrel Treatments for 300 BO with Like Like.
      Don’t overthink it. Get the contour and gas length you want, from a maker with a reputation for delivering what you want from your...
    • Pudge
      Pudge replied to the thread Defend the Constitution?.
      It is discouraging when those in authority don't understand that the Bill of Rights is there to protect us from them.
    • Pudge
      I guess it depends. When the chips are down, how many shots will you get, in what circumstances? If one shot needs to be effective...
    • Pudge
      Pudge replied to the thread To red dot or not to red dot....
      The only reason to use them is if they help, and if they help, I would (do) use them.
    • Pudge
      Pudge reacted to Legionnaire's post in the thread how did it start for you? with Like Like.
      Toy guns as a kid, but we lived in a metro area and my family wasn't into guns. I had opportunity to shoot a bolt action .22 a couple...
    • Pudge
      Pudge reacted to Bartojc's post in the thread how did it start for you? with Like Like.
      I grew up a farm kid in a country setting. Firearms were as common as a fishing rod/reel or a tool box full of tools in the shop...
    • Pudge
      Pudge reacted to badkarmamib's post in the thread how did it start for you? with Like Like.
      Mom didn't want me to play with toy guns, so I wasn't allowed to buy them. So, I made them. Blocks of wood, a saw, staple gun, and...
    • Pudge
      Pudge reacted to Choctaw's post in the thread how did it start for you? with Like Like.
      Pretty much the same. Went from toy guns to hunting with pellet guns when I was in grade school. My dad and I hunted quite a bit...
    • Pudge
      Pudge reacted to docwharden1881's post in the thread how did it start for you? with Like Like.
      when i was a little kid i had those toy plastic guns that shot plastic bullets. when i got older it was metal cap guns. older still as a...
    • Pudge
      Pudge replied to the thread how did it start for you?.
      From before I was of school age, I wanted to hunt and shoot. Cowboy shows on TV, cap guns, squirt guns, sighting in the .30-06 with...
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