Recent content by Andy Griffith

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    SHOT Day 4 - Chiappa Rhino (Yeah, I'm late with this.)

    What kind of alloy is the frame? Aluminum or Zinc based with the steel inserts? Although a neat concept, I just can't get over how rough the extractor seemed and the way the center pin dragged because of burrs. I know these have been on the market for over a year- I just don't see them having...
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    atf ruling announced at shot shot coming on monday?

    My question is, why is fine to give large bore rifles a variance, and there is no record of variances for large bore handguns? Seems to me a lawsuit would be in order. Large bore handgun are very sporting, and are as American as apple pie- and I like variety. In all seriousness, if variances...
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    SHOT Day 4- Taurus/Rossi

    The Trail Judge was taken off display because the sample was only labeled for, and only feeds .410. It was not labeled as a .45 Colt- which it has to be. I believe someone kinda had an oversight...I bet the engineering fellers may have gotten ahead of the regulations. :rolleyes: Easy fix- and...