Recent content by Barbarossa

  1. B

    Surviving in Cape Town

    No sorry, impressive though. The christian rock scene does have a good following here.
  2. B

    Surviving in Cape Town

    Thanks guys and yeah, it breaks my heart. It's a beautiful place, (nature wise, we got a lot of slums though) maybe if more people here stopped and took a look around them things would be better. Litter is also a major problem, but that's a whole topic to itself.
  3. B

    Surviving in Cape Town

    Not only that pal, but get this: Cops are no longer allow to fire upon fleeing suspects. I kid you not. You know how little cops here earn? One bloke has been a cop for 14 years and he still only earns $ 600.00 a month. It's sick. Gangs are everywhere too. I hate gangs.
  4. B

    Surviving in Cape Town

    Thanks guys, well, it has not become Zimbabwe yet. It is a fear among many. We are not under the control of a dictatorship for the moment. I think South Africa would come under much, MUCH international scrutiny if that happened. Especially after our leaders have spent the past 10 years blowing...
  5. B

    When exactly does self-defense become assault or manslaughter?

    That proved to be some very interesting reading. Thank you for taking the time to reply.
  6. B

    Surviving in Cape Town

    Thanks for making me feel welcome guys, much appreciated!
  7. B

    Surviving in Cape Town

    Yeah okay. Trust me, nobody sets foot inside a persons house here unless they mean no good. The latest technique is to burgle the house while the owners are there, as the place is not as fort noxxed as it would be if they had gone out.
  8. B

    What are good alternatives to firearms?

    I know there is nothing that can basically match a gun. (Like someone once said, only an idiot brings a knife to a gun fight) but is this entirely true? Are there pros and cons to using a gun in close quarters? What would/do you recommend or use to defend yourselves apart from your piece...
  9. B

    When exactly does self-defense become assault or manslaughter?

    Have any of you ever been charged or attempted to have been charged with assault or worse while defending yourselves or your home? When does one stop? Is it ethical to lie when you know that telling the truth about how you disabled the perp could land you behind bars? I would like to hear how...
  10. B

    Surviving in Cape Town

    Thanks number 6, it's just painful to live in fear. I accept the way things are here as a way of live, but I never realise how bizarre and wrong it actually is until I speak to people living overseas. I am planning to settle elsewhere, Canada, U.S, Australia, they're all options. EDIT: and...
  11. B

    Surviving in Cape Town

    Hi there, just introducing myself and giving a little background as to why I joined this site. I am living in Cape Town, South Africa. The violent crime here is beyond belief. I have lost people I know to scum and my family has fallen victim to violent crime and intimidation more than once...