Recent content by [email protected]

  1. B

    What is the maximum amount of time that Duty Ammo is good for?

    I've been told the older ammo ( from the 60's and prior) that I've shot through my rifle uses a different type of primers than are found in more modern firearms. The reason the ammo lasts so long is that the primer itself has different chemicals on it to protect it from deteorating from...
  2. B

    Do you Download your magazines?

    I carry a kimber custom II with 8 round magazines fully loaded and 1 in the chamber. I believe that magazines purpose is to give me as much ammo as I need to complete the task I have before me. I purposefully bought 3 high quality magazines when I bought this carry piece to set myself at ease...
  3. B

    Ignorance is bliss.

    In the beginning I went with my grandfather to watch (not shoot with) him shoot skeet. This at the time was the coolest thing I'd ever seen, and tragically the first and only exposure I would have with a real firearm for over a decade. The years went by and I was asleep one night. I woke to see...
  4. B

    Pepper Spray Newbie

    I have always been fond of Def-tech. But that is probably because thats what we use at work (state prison). The problem with less then lethal deterants is that they don't always work on everyone. If you blasted me with OC I would keep coming, but then again I'm a big dumb animal and have a high...
  5. B

    Removing Knoxx fold-down stock from Rem870?

    I know that in Washington State where I am the rule with the shotgun is over 18.5 inches for a shotgun barrel but the over all for any rifle has to be over 24 inches total with a barrel no shorter than 18 inches. So what I would do is just look around when you are browsing your local gun store...