Recent content by ChromDome

  1. C

    They Were Quick To Turn on Us.....

    Where and when?
  2. C

    List of the 23 EO's

    The only way the shaft comes is if Congress passes it, which is very unlikely. IF Obama could have done anything more via EO don't you think he would have done it today? He gains nothing by waiting for the future.
  3. C

    They Were Quick To Turn on Us.....

    All Walmart did was supposedly suspend replenishing their ammo stocks until after the President's plan was announced. It was nothing more than a business decision to keep from getting caught with a bunch of ammo they might not be able to sell. Should we have forced them to restock?
  4. C

    Impeachment threat from Texas

    You get the feeling that Obama could have said, "we're going to repel the restriction on fully automatic weapons" and this guys response wouldn't have changed a bit. There was nothing the President could have said that would make the fire breathing stop.
  5. C

    List of the 23 EO's

    What are you talking about. Some people need to step back and take a deep breath. NOTHING changed today.
  6. C

    The Main Event - Obama @ 11:55 ET.

    This speech change nothing. He called on congress to act and issued 23 EO's that didn't change a thing. Everyone can relax.
  7. C

    The Main Event - Obama @ 11:55 ET.

    23 EO's from Fox News 1. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background check system. 2. Address unnecessary legal barriers, particularly relating to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, that may...
  8. C

    Excuse me officer, but I have a gun

    Our instructor said When I went through the class, the LEO who taught it told us that in his experiance people with CCW are typically good law abiding citizens and he they weren't really the type people he was worried about. He said it would be interesting for someone to do a study on the...
  9. C

    Savage Model 24 .410/22 Overunder

    I just came into possession of a Savage Model 24 overunder .410/.22lr. The gun belonged to my grandfather and has been sitting in an attic for 20 years. He passed about 20 years ago but I still have many fond memories of squirrel hunting with him when I was young...this is the gun he would...
  10. C


    I live in NW Arkansas not very far from the center of the WM Universe. I have worked for WM vendors in the past and one of my relatives is currently in management with WM. WM inventories their stores based on "traits". They will tailor the inventory of the store to the local population and...
  11. C

    Great SHTF book

    Based on this thread I went out got both of these books. Just finished reading them both. Both are excellent and have really made me take stock of what life would be like after a severe SHTF scenario. As someone who puts more thought and action into prepardness than probably 99.9% of the...
  12. C

    Arrested for target shooting!

    Sounds like there is more to this story than your telling us.
  13. C

    Avian Flu Prepardness

    Try Googling for Tamiflu you'll get several online pharmacies. I am not clear if you have to have a perscription or not to order from them. I think it may be illegal to order from an overseas pharmacy and have it brought into the states.
  14. C

    Avian Flu Prepardness

    Over the last few weeks there have been more and more articles appearing about the Avian Flue outbreak in Asia and what might happen if it were to become human transmittable. I found this article on ABC fairly sobering Is the US prepared? Today I see where President Bush is...
  15. C

    New to Forum...Some Thoughts

    The thing about that though is it would be a fairly local effect. It wouldn't cause a widespread effect like an airburst nuke. I.E...If somone did that in Little Rock, it wouldn't affect me in NW Arkansas. As far as a celestrial impact is concerned, i've always considered that as an end of...