Recent content by col.lemat

  1. C

    What turned all my brass possibles green?

    felt wads frosted my balls COL LeMat
  2. C

    Pietta le mat

    Only cost a arm and leg at $350 in 1985
  3. C

    Pedersoli Philadelphia Derringer?

    If it managed to kill a president I don't see why it would not be considered suitable as a BUG. As I remember it happening a knife was used as the back up weapon in that event.
  4. C

    Minnesota gun "buyback" a bust.

    Mine had plastic grips held on with tape and was blued. Same amount of rust though. Don't regret selling it to the buy back at all!!!
  5. C

    Colt Walker Problems pt. 2

    Little problems become big when not addressed while little. Fix the arbor length before it get beyond fixin.
  6. C

    Safe but simple cannon and/or mortar ignition?

    contraption I use the slap hammer contraption on my 12 LB. Coehorn mortar. Never have had a failure to fire with musket caps.
  7. C

    rem caps

    I got the caps but missed the powder. Got to get me some at that price.
  8. C

    New Cap n' Balls?

    I would buy a Kerr or Adams if they ever produce them. I already have a mold and have cast up several balls waiting for the day that they do become available
  9. C

    found why my buffer is all dinged up

    That will work. Did one that I had years ago the same way. The lower was out of spec (non Colt) and this is the only inexpensive option.
  10. C

    RIP RC Model sad news

    One of the best!!! RIP RC
  11. C

    Congratulations to Kim Rhode: New Olympic Record

    I worked with her mother for several years, met the family and have respect for all of their accomplishments. Truly good people.
  12. C

    Old Daisy Tale

    Brought a tear to my eye. Thanks for the memories KBob
  13. C

    Play With Your Food: Clean Brass With Rice

    No wonder it did not work and took so long to get my brass clean. I was using puffed rice with milk in my wet tumbler.
  14. C

    M7 Bayonet Loose

    Yes I am SERIOUS. I use the bayonet while feral hog hunting as a rule now. Before that I had one (250 Lbs.) play dead on me and when I approached he jumped up and I got severely slashed requiring emergency air lift and fifty plus stiches to the legs and one arm. Could have bled to death if not...