Recent content by David Drury

  1. D

    Colt python vs. S&W 627 performance center non-comp

    Fair enough Mr. 454! However, GP100's are priced fairly enough that at some point I think you should pick up a GP100 in either 6" or 4", simply because the thing will outlive you. Security Sixes and GP100's are some of the finest pieces of steel at that price point any beyond, and have some...
  2. D

    Colt python vs. S&W 627 performance center non-comp

    If we're talking heirloom quality, I'd say go with the Python every time... but can I give another selection? The Python and 627 PC are both very nice revolvers... but I got one that will surprise you. Get a GP100. Ruger's may not be the most fancy of the lineup, or the most pricey, but...
  3. D

    Which steel do you prefer?

    Thank God, no Busse fanatics here. I was worried someone was going to come in here screaming INFI INFI INFI! Personally, I like 1095 and 5160. They are my most common steels in my knives, and they are the ones that have proven over time their potential to work hard. Now, I own a Bugei blade...
  4. D

    Knives - I Want it Truly Made in the USA

    I prefer American made as well my man. Check out ESEE Knives, all of their materials and blades are made here in the US of A.
  5. D

    ESEE Junglas - Color me Impressed ( And a bonus! )

    As a practitioner of Nami-Ryu ( an Aikido / Heiho martial school ) I've spent a fair amount of time behind edged tools and blades. If there's one thing I appreciate out of a blade, it's length, reach, and thickness. ESEE's Junglas finds a great medium between all three - for a knife! I'm also an...
  6. D

    GP100 as first purchase, and out-of-home storage - need advice

    As I said earlier, my grandfather lives in Cape Cod, MA - so to have him store it would be a little bit of a stretch. Heh.
  7. D

    GP100 as first purchase, and out-of-home storage - need advice

    Thanks guys, appreciate all the advice and opinions! What a welcome to The High Road! Glad to be here!
  8. D

    GP100 as first purchase, and out-of-home storage - need advice

    The dealer I spoke with is going to be getting another six inch in soon, and he did not specify if it was going to be used or new. Honestly? It's a Ruger, and I am not concerned about shooting a well-taken care of used one, but I would not be opposed to a new one either. I will talk with my...
  9. D

    GP100 as first purchase, and out-of-home storage - need advice

    HGM22, My grandfather lives in Cape Cod, MA unfortunately - otherwise I would. I should mention OH is an Open-Carry state. I prefer Open carry for general purpose. For CCW, I'd get something else.
  10. D

    GP100 as first purchase, and out-of-home storage - need advice

    Oh but for that one time, it will be one hell of a carry experience. Haha. Maybe I should specify as a woods-carry.
  11. D

    GP100 as first purchase, and out-of-home storage - need advice

    So, I am contemplating my first handgun purchase soon, I am currently 20 years old - but I have had aspirations to own a firearm since I was 17. My family is very anti-gun ownership, they do not dislike people owning guns - they just dislike anyone in their family doing so. I respect their rules...