Recent content by Diamondback6

  1. D

    After the fact bill of sale - What would you do?

    As a buyer, I like a BOS just in case of a Katrina Grab where it's "if you can't prove you own it you don't," and other scenarios. The form I use basically records our CPL numbers and says "Buyer certifies under penalty of perjury he is not a Prohibited Person, seller certifies under penalty of...
  2. D

    Self made firearm question re 3D printing

    What they mean is intent--you can make it for yourself and sell or give it when you're bored with or tired of it, but you can't build with intent to transfer. So, if you wanted to give one to a buddy, what you might do is engrave the date of build on it at completion... then [EDIT for clarity...
  3. D

    House not backing away from gun control...

    Don't forget, on part-line issues Boehner has demonstrated he is willing to court Democrat votes to make it happen over the objections of most of his own caucus. The so-called "Hastert Rule" about not advancing legislation not supported by the majority of the majority party is officially dead...
  4. D

    Anyone practice with Airsoft pistols?

    Every morning. Not necessarily as marksmanship or training, just as a "focus" exercise to help me tee up to face the day. Though I HAVE done a little force-on-force, and usung them to teach "administrative handling" and the Four Rules.
  5. D

    Forbes: Why 3D-Printed Untraceable Guns Could Be Good For America

    Clutch, check out the Home Gunsmith forum--there's a whole industry for unfinished 1911 receivers at anywhere from 0% raw casting/forging up to 80% (one major machining operation away from a full receiver).
  6. D

    NJ senators want to confiscate, confiscate, confiscate

    Sadly, Johnny, as a Washingtonian (and as a Wet Sider "mossback") myself I have to point out that WRT Seattle the stereotype of them is bang-on far more often than it's wrong...
  7. D

    State Department and plastic guns

    And it's designed to get the State Department's hooks into literally EVERYTHING. A T-shirt? "Materiel potentially usable for military uniform." Food? "Materiel potentially usable for military rations." A radio-controlled model airplane? "Guidance and propulsion systems for munitions or unmanned...
  8. D

    More than one 1911? Why?

    "ALWAYS keep a spare!"--Abby Sciuto, NCIS Forensics Specialist Extraordinaire LOL
  9. D

    For those understanding how Congress

    Don't forget, King Peter the Mediocre was also one of the architects and chief enablers of Amerikanische Staatssicherheitsdienst...
  10. D

    Response from Groupon

    Already best said by fellow THR member Massad Ayoob (yes, THAT Mas Ayoob):
  11. D

    Where does the "90 per cent support expanded background checks" number come fro

    Where's it come from? Same place as every other stat Bad Check Barry, Baron of Bullcrap, cites: he pulls it from somewhere between his external and internal sphincter ani.
  12. D

    What Should NRA Do Now ?

    Indeed, it's precisely what the Other Team has done from Day One--mobilizing whether overt or covert followed by a Pearl Harbor strike is part and parcel of how they roll, usually hidden behind a smokescreen of ersatz "negotiations". Just ask anybody who lived in 1930s "Grossdeutschland"...
  13. D

    So what exactly happened today?

    Not unless we remember in November 2014, and boot a buttload of those who voted for this crap from office. We need to make it so that outside DiFi and Upchuck's turf 2A infringement becomes as radioactive as someone wanting to resurrect Jim Crow...
  14. D

    For those understanding how Congress

    Peter King needs an opponent in the 2014 Primary Election.
  15. D

    Missouri Second Amendment Preservation Act Passes House. SENATE HEARING TOMORROW 4/24

    They need to make it a felony. Misdemeanor doesn't have much in the way of teeth unless it's DV or drugs... Make it hard time that leaves THEM ineligible to possess a weapon whether or not in the line of duty and thus a Career Ender, and it might make the point more effectively. 'Course, it...