Recent content by Flyerman

  1. F

    CCW as President of USA?

    quote from Smoke - "Only 1% of the TX population least legally." may I ask, Sir, where did you get this bit of information from? I've lived in Texas for the past 6 years, and everyone I know carries in some for or fashion, and ALL legally. I have moved around a lot, from...
  2. F

    Free NRA membership

    who here likes the word FREE this is a link to get a one year trial membership in the NRA. click on it as many times as you have family and friends who are not in the NRA. just one hitch - i am gonna have to call the honesty card. only enter in people that are your actual friends and family, no...
  3. F

    WOW!!! this kid is a breath of fresh air..... and here.... all this from a 14 year old kid. makes me wonder what happened congress when they were growing...
  4. F

    an idea for the Second Amendment March

    go to and your questions will be answered
  5. F

    an idea for the Second Amendment March

    now just what in the blue blazes is THAT supposed to mean? yes, i know there are other threads about this, as well as a website. i just had an idea about the march
  6. F

    an idea for the Second Amendment March

    i think it would be a good idea if we emailed as many of the gun manufacturers and state second amendment rights organizations and ask them to sign up to support the march. i was thinking also of the 2 big mega chain sporting goods stores,but for the life of me, i can't remember what either of...
  7. F

    Need some info to use for argument

    if he is looking for a hardcopy of something to do with the positive side of gun ownership, i can't think of anything better than the gunfacts website take the time to print it out, and let him read it. it's worth the paper and ink. it covers everything about the...
  8. F

    gun related dog names?

    i can't believeno one has mentioned THE PERFECT name for a german Shepard Luger no no no, i already call dibs on's the name of my new GSD puppy I got my daughter for Christmas
  9. F

    looking for a good quality used gun

    what are the better websites to peruse thru to find a pistol i want. looking for a Springfield XD or XDM .45. not sure if i should get ACP or GAP yet. i really want to get a 1911, but i don't think that's a good first gun, and way out of my league to start my gun accumulation. thanks!
  10. F

    Sometimes I Wonder Just WHO The Idiots Are

    the way i see it: Pelosi, Kennedy, Schumer, ClintonS, Obama, et al all see gun ownership as being the big roadblock to reforming this country in their own image. the way they want to do away with all private gun ownership, their ultimate goal, is keep having the media, in their back pocket...
  11. F

    NRA discount membership.

    "The thing is, is that's not a discount. $25 is the membership price because $35 is designed to make you feel good about $25 and GIVE YOU MOTIVATION TO SPEND. It's marketing 101. Am I speaking hypothetically or specifically based on experience? Experience. I've been politically active for the...
  12. F

    something we are all gonna HAVE to do....

    unbelievably hopeless IBTL
  13. F

    So, you folks don't really like Cops!

    OP, you mean your brothers in blue, like the one who gave me a ticket for running a stop sign, on September 11, 2001 at 9:45 in the morning, after i heard about the disaster over the radio, while on my way to take a flight test, in Florida, and I explained to the officer what had happened, and...
  14. F

    What makes Hoppes smell so good?

    i agree it does smell great, but i think you have missplled the word. i think it's spelled 'hops', and hops, being one of the main ingedients in beer, has a wonderful aroma. especially when i'm homebrewing an India Pale Ale, i love sticking my head over the brewpot just when i add an addition of...
  15. F

    the shooting sports

    does anyone know where or when the Olympic shooting events are covered? i kneep hearing about how many shooting events there are in the Olympics, but i don't see any. hmmm................i wonder why that is...............