Recent content by fred in nc

  1. F

    .44 Special Recoil

    The .44 spl load that is a pussycat in my Ruger SB 44 mag can be pretty stiff in my Taurus 445. Part of it is the lesser weight of the Taurus and part is the ergonomics of the grip.
  2. F

    Security-Six Problem

    I have a Service Six DAO (former NYPD gun according to Ruger). It has what I would call a plateau where the trigger can be moved a detectable amount while the hammer is in the maximum "cocked" position before the hammer is released. (There is no actual full cock detent on this gun, not even if...
  3. F


    My grandma's cast iron skillets had a blackened smooth baked on coating which was essentially polymerized grease or oil that had some very visible carbonization. Water wouldn't even wet it without a good deal of soap or dish detergent. Doesn't seem like the bore of any gun I've ever seen.
  4. F

    open carry in NC

    Don't try it inside an urban area like Greensboro, Raleigh, or Charlotte unless you are a uniformed security guard. Check with your county sheriff.
  5. F

    You will get a bang out of this one.....

    What the heck were they shooting?
  6. F

    Winchester Model 69

    I've had a Model 69A since I was 15 and that was 45 years ago. There is NO factory sereal number.
  7. F

    Better understanding an anti (my brother in this case)

    If this were my brother - and of course assuming that for many other reasons I valued the relationship with him in spite of the disagreement - I believe I would just let the whole discussion go. You aren't going to change his mind and he won't change yours.
  8. F

    Negligent discharge, please be kind

    Sorry about your leg and I do hope it heals fast and completely. Thanks for sharing - I think in some way we all needed a reminder. I never managed to shoot myself but I did once come close and it was a case of pure gross public dumb.
  9. F

    New technology lets police "frisk" from a distance (for guns)

    Make radar frisking easier! I can see it now: the Department of Homeland Security issues new rules that make it a federal violation to carry anything that could be considered pocket clutter in any pocket on one's person so that it can't interfere with radar frisking. It would go right along...
  10. F


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I have always heard that in the Mormon religion, people are told to lay up a supply of food equivalent to about a year's supply of canned and non-perishable foods.
  11. F

    Fort Wayne IN, BG killed by Clerk

    I do not advocate wanton violence against anyone. If everyone else on the planet would advocate the same thing, there would be no problem. Until then I will operate by the precept that if my life or a family member's life is threatened I will act in self defense.
  12. F

    Shooting at the local Gun Store.

    There is nothing more uncommon than common sense. The first rule of firearms safety is to treat every gun as if it's loaded. I've seen my share of idiots and bozos at the range over the years too.
  13. F

    AD/ND in temple?

    In Israel the rabbis (e.g., the Orthodox Judaic authorities) have deemed that for a soldier to carry a firearm on Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur or on the Sabbath is allowed. Since virtually every male Israeli up to the age of 45 is in the Miluim (IDF reserves) this is pretty universal. The...
  14. F

    Q: Pistol carry laws/what is REALLY permitted?

    In North Carolina you MUST complete an educational course taught by a state qualified instructor to qualify for CCW permit. This course will cover an awful lot of the areas you are asking about. It will also feature a written exam and a firearms proficiency test. Upon satisfactory completion...
  15. F

    carbide pistol dies

    I use both kinds I use both steel and carbide and far prefer the latter. The steel dies are from my younger days when carbides were just being introduced and in one case because I didn't want to pay big bucks for 7.62x25 dies. Carbides are much easier to use. Admittedly both will do the job.