Recent content by Happiness Is A Warm Gun

  1. H

    What's up with military-type presence at JFK?

    99% sure it is National Guard from the description. National Guard units periodically gets assignments to supplement the manpower of local airport security.
  2. H

    2nd Amendment Incorporation via...

    Sure about that? It looks like that is exactly what they did in McDonald v. Chicago. Why eliminate one possible avenue of victory by phrasing the question too narrow? You try from DP but some members of the...
  3. H

    Recent Gunshop Experience (pricing)

    Only problem is it is a violation of CC merchant agreement. I usually call VISA when I see a merchant like that. If they keep doing that they will lose their merchant account and ability to accept credit cards. If stores don't like the fee then don't accept CC. If you do accept credit cards...
  4. H

    Article on Legal Challenges to 2nd Amend. in NY Times

    COME ONE NYT! I don't think the word automatic even appears in McDonald v. Chicago. Also the issues wasn't legality of preventing CCW but the legality of a complete 100% ban on handguns. No way that is a mistake. A reporter can't accidentally be that wrong.
  5. H

    The “Reciprocal Conceal Carry” Act. S. 845

    Did anyone read the text? 1) The bill doesn't allow you to carry in all 50 states. 2) The bill doesn't require ANY state to allow conceal carry 3) There is no "standardizing of anything" in the bill. The ONLY thing the bill says is IF (meaning state don't have to issue CCW) a state issues CCW...
  6. H

    SB 776: Registering semi-auto magazines

    My guess is that 1) only magazines that have serial # can be registered. 2) most mags don't have serial # = "not our problem" 3) can't buy new serialized mags because of 1994 ban 1+2+3 = most standard cap mags are now defacto illegal/unreigsterable. Which I think is the intention of the...
  7. H

    What are excise taxes

    You can vote without a car. People did for centuries. However you CAN NOT exercise your right to bear ARMS without ARMS. By your logic a poll tax is illegal but putting a tax (paid by the voter) on the ballot would be legal. Would you consider it Constitutional if your state charged you a...
  8. H

    What are excise taxes

    You have no constitutional right to drink alcohol or smoke tobacco. The one thing keeping the excise taxes relatively low is that the higher it is the more punative it is and the more likely we get a court case that throws them out for good. Eventually Congress will get greedy though. The...
  9. H

    What are excise taxes

    Really that is where you draw the line. Except to exercise your 2nd amendment right you need a firearms and most people won't build their own so they will purchase them. The TAX on the firearm is a tax on the exercising of a right already guaranteed by the constitution. Numerous SCOTUS...
  10. H

    Tell me why?

    Thank God knives are illegal. :what: Actually by your logic why not make guns illegal. If they are illegal then it would be IMPOSSIBLE for BG to use them therefore nobody would ever be murdered right?:banghead: My understanding is the BATFE views homemade suppressor the same as a purchased...
  11. H

    Home Defense With Rubber Buck And Other "Non-Lethal" ammo

    The problem is that 6 inches in ballistic gelatin is NOT a guarantee of a 6 inch hit. The FBI recommends 12" to 18" in B gel because 12" to 18" in B gel has a higher likelihood of incapacitation. An intruder struck at an angle where shoulder/arm is struck first wearing flannel shirt and a...
  12. H

    Home Defense With Rubber Buck And Other "Non-Lethal" ammo

    There are less lethal claymores. They are used in military prisons. Instead of 600 steel balls they are rubber balls and reduced explosive charge. At close range they will kill though. Generally used for riot control in a scenario where some casualties is a better outcome than using another...
  13. H

    Home Defense With Rubber Buck And Other "Non-Lethal" ammo

    There is NO SUCH THING as "non lethal". There is NO SUCH THING as "non lethal". There is NO SUCH THING as "non lethal". It is a less lethal round. Less lethal as in getting stabbed in the leg is less lethal than someone slitting your throat. People can and do die from less lethal rounds. I...
  14. H

    Bring Backs

    As someone who spent a year in Iraq I will add my $0.02.... You can't bring virtually anything anymore. Dirt. Dirt is a controlled item for export from Iraq. I **** you not. I doubt the Navy customs guys real look that close but technically removing soil or dirt from the country is not...
  15. H

    Do you carry your semi-auto pistol with the "+1"?

    Did people forget how to read? The question wasn't about round in chamber The question wasn't about using less than mag capacity. The question is do you +1. Scenario A: Springfield XD 9mm. 15round mag has 15 rounds. Load weapon, chamber round. Now there are 14 rounds in mag. Remove mag and...