Recent content by Harvest

  1. H

    Wheelgun Accuracy

    Nice Jerry M. would be proud!
  2. H

    Accidental discharge 1911.....Help...Killed the stuffed bear on the bed.

    I have loved reading this thread. It has also reminded me of the way I carry my 1911. I have owned and carried several 1911's condition 1 for years. I have practiced draw and carry for years as well - BUT - this is a reality check for one that takes carrying my 1911 as a self defense pistol...
  3. H

    Handgun Accuracy - Should I be happy with 6" groups at 25 yds?

    Practice with an NRA instructor Shooting seems such an easy thing when you watch the TV, but there is a great deal of practice that goes into a "shooter," and while the 25 ft shot is some kind of benchmark (no pun intended), it is not a regular combat shot. It is perfectly possible to put a...
  4. H

    Gun Show Tactics

    Make Products show from a distance It is hard to see anything laying flat on a table. Prop guns up, make a sign to come look at particular items, the wife and daughter (sorry Lord) make a great entrance to a table. tinpig makes the best point. Most gunshows I go to are unenthusiastec...