Recent content by HIcarry

  1. H

    Flying with ammo

    TSA's regulations say: I recently had this "discussion" with the agent at Delta/Northwest. After multiple legs over the last several months with my checked firearm and ammo, this particular agent took exception to my commercially made, hard plastic ammo box. I ended up having to have him...
  2. H

    home invasion.....shoot to kill, then go to jail?

    As several have already mentioned, it depends. Here in Hawaii, the police have been instructed to arrest and jail anyone involved in a homocide, regardless of the circumstances. As an example, in 2006 a man was arrested after stabbing to death an intruder who attacked him and his girlfriend...
  3. H

    Air rifle laws in CA/San Diego

    Apparently only your backyard would be "legal" as the definition of a "public space" includes your front yard.
  4. H

    9 mm FMJ Point Blank Gunshot Wound (Warning - GRAPHIC PICS!!)

    Noticed that you still had your ring on...most of the time we like to remove jewlery from an injured hand as it tends to swell. If the ring is left on it could restrict circulation to the finger. I can't tell you how many rings I have cut off when folks didn't remove them ASAP.
  5. H

    Changes in NV reciprocity!!

    Why would you be restricted to concealed carry after the new regulations go into effect in 2010? The new regulations specifically state that the firearms laws in the parks will mirror the laws of the state it is located in. So, if you can open carry in the state, you can open carry in the park.
  6. H

    Taser/Lethal force question

    I disagree. As WC145 mentioned, they are, and rightfully should be, a part of the force-escalation below the use of deadly force. If you have a medical condition, such as asthma of COPD, the use of MACE or pepper spray MAY be lethal to you; if you have atherosclerosis of the carotid artery, a...
  7. H

    Taser/Lethal force question

    Correlation and causation are two different things....
  8. H

    Taser/Lethal force question

    Not sure what you're trying to say, but used correctly AEDs (and that's "Automated External Defibrilator") do not cause the type of burn (actually caused by electrical arching when, in the instance you mention, the pads are placed on conductive articles) but rather usually mild reddening where...
  9. H

    Procedure AFTER a SD shooting

    I disagree. I wouldn't render aid and I don't know of one state that requires you to do so. I could be wrong about that last item, so if you care to cite the relevant statues I'll admit my error and chalk it up as a learning experience.
  10. H

    PBS collecting "Gun Stories"

    Saw this on another website and wanted to pass it along. Apparently, PBS is collecting stories on guns, both "good" and "bad" with the bad apparently winning. Here's a link if you have something you want to contribute. I saw the "original"...
  11. H

    Which State is the MOST ANTIGUN?

    Hawaii Hawaii: Brady Score - 43 out of 100 points; ranks 8th out of 50 states. Register every gun Requires "Permit to Aquire Handgun" for each handgun; requires that you pay for the gun, get identifying info to take to the police department; apply for permit to aquire, wait 14 days...
  12. H

    From your LEO experience when pulled over

    No. To be legal, the Terry stop must satisfy a two pronged test. You may stop someone if you believe that there was, is, or about to be a crime committed. After the stop, if you can articulate a specific concern that the suspect is armed or dangerous and might be armed, you may do a quick pat...
  13. H

    How often civilians and police hit bystanders

    Nope, appears not. As Jeff has said, no such database exists. The wording of the paragraph is less than ideal. It states that "Only 2% of shootings by civilians, but 11% of shootings by police, involved an innocent person mistakenly thought to be a criminal." So one might conclude it only...
  14. H

    How often civilians and police hit bystanders

    Really? So, if I studied a large group of 65 year-old white males in New York, say for the efficacy of a new hypertensive medication, any conclusions made about how effective it was and the risk/benefit ratio couldn't be used to extrapolate possible results for a similar group in Florida? How...
  15. H

    How often civilians and police hit bystanders

    Tell that to your doctor who bases most of his/her decisions on information from level 2 and lower studies. I never said it was only to produce useful nationwide data. I did say that lacking any other factual information, it can be used to formulate some conclusions. Will it be statistically...