Recent content by Jimmy_B

  1. J

    Do you remember your first handload firing?

    I think the first round was a 45 Colt. However the very first round of 45 ACP I loaded got fired at a coyote. I had stepped outside the garage to test the loads when a coyote came trotting through the yard towards my dog. He was probably a good 75 yards away when I fired................and...
  2. J

    SHOT Day 2 - Smith & Wesson

    I don't think the safety on an M&P locks the slide like it does on a 1911.
  3. J

    are AD's really 100% preventable?

    Actually the correct term for an unintentional discharge be it AD or ND, is FM. (F***ing magic). "Sarge, I was showing the new female recruit how to fast draw and all of a sudden, well it was FM. Sorry about the hole in your new Expedition. Thanks God it was FM and not my fault.":rolleyes...
  4. J

    Elk Entrance/Exit Wound Pics & Hunt Story

    I'm not a hunter and generally prefer to shoot wildlife with a camera however I appreciated reading your story. Sounds like you had a great time and I'm impressed with your ability to put two rounds on target after a long chase(even if the Walker did most of the chasing). Good to see you making...