Recent content by JohnF Boulder Co

  1. J

    what in the world are folks thinking?

    Multiple layers of bad judgement compounded here... OK, we don't want to build hypothetical ideas onto this case, but how about the general situation? Is it generally agreed, that if you fire shots, you should call your lawyer and police immediately? How about as in this kind of situation...
  2. J

    Police officer investigates a man with a gun (Video)

    I'd really like to say it'd be best to just be nice and introduce yourself -citizen to police officer, you'll likely see each other around, and it's generally good to be friendly and maybe even know somebody's name. But then again, he is a cop, and you don't want to give them anything. This...
  3. J

    Poor opinion article at

    Just once, I'd like to see an interview or video article with somebody who holds views like this guy... Ask them if they really hold such a low opinion of everyone around them. Their own family & friends, neighbors & co-workers are too slow & stupid, too dangerously unstable. It's an...
  4. J

    So, I work at a gunstore and...

    Big difference between a casual sweep, 1.5 seconds after they watched you make sure it's clear, and dry-firing it at someone who just walked into line of sight... As I remember from somewhere online, Cooper himself said that it's possible to take "the rules" to ridiculous extremes, but just...
  5. J

    The 2nd Amendment: An individual right

    I also don't like to rely on recent court decisions. (The courts have been horribly wrong, from time to time) Recognizing that you might not alter the views of the firmly anti-gun-rights folks, I try logic (Yeah, right...) or emotiveness, and ethical superiority -since they use it all the...
  6. J

    Carrying a rifle in public? - Florida

    Sounds like a fun trip. Do a lot of research before going out. Open carry isn't legal in FL, not even in a car, apparently. 18 seems to be the legal age. There doesn't seem to be any distinction between long guns and handguns. Interesting that one prosecutor...