Recent content by Joist

  1. J

    Actual Count of Bulk Ammo??

    Early this year I caught Dick's Sporting Goods with several Remington 'Buckets o' Bullets,' I snagged 2,800 rnds (supposedly) of 22 lr. Because I'm mindful of the sufferings of my fellow shooters I divvied the buckets into baggies of 500 and 400 in order to share them out. One of the buckets...
  2. J

    Savage Arms Logo

    The PC types got it wrong: I wouldn't identify my company or product with anything I held in contempt or wanted to 'insult.' That's why you (probably) hear anybody say "I just bought a DoggyDoo in .308." Because high-intensity PC types are MORE offended by the product, in this case. Because...
  3. J

    How to chill your vodka

    I never saw the point to using ice in my vodka. . . I keep my vodka 32 degrees cooler than ice.
  4. J

    How would you deal with this "uncovered" undercover gun?

    'Bring your gun to church' laws were also enacted in Colonial-era Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, South Carolina and Georgia. The tyler is stationed outside the door of the Lodge to keep off the uninitiated and eavesdroppers. It's generally a fairly wimpy blade, but how many times...
  5. J

    are there any people out there that are animal lovers AND gun lovers?

    I have raised cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, dogs, cats and vegetable gardens. I have shot foxes, coyotes, woodchucks, fluffy bunnies in defense of same. I guess my love of animals is conditional
  6. J

    A Matter of Values

    HonorsDaddy: I'm not disagreeing that criminals should reconsider their occupation. I agree that it's your property and you can choose to use deadly force to protect it I'm just saying that it's not necessary to lose your work to equipment failure OR theft when you're not around to defend it...
  7. J

    A Matter of Values

    ZeSpectre said: Please consider backing up your data. Insurance for fender-benders, extinguishers for fires, seat belts for accidents, firearms for self-preservation. Back-ups for faulty hard drives (or gross equipment theft.)
  8. J

    Transporting Pistol Through Masachussetts

    I type too slow. yourang?, According to wdlsguy's link in #8, " 3.A person who is transporting a firearm though the State of New Jersey in the manner permitted by person's possession 18 U.S.C.A. 926A, see Section II above, need not give notice." However, if the trooper suspects that you...