Recent content by mesonsdad

  1. M

    Bad Manners...

    It is SO fortunate that this incident didn't end up with a much more dramatic or tragic result. Yes - you should be vigilant in assuring that you don't alarm citizens OR LE when you carry - but this fool's "stalking" you was a tactical and ethical error and should be addressed. Look - if the...
  2. M

    Is the 1911 a Reliable Design?

    OK - there ARE some inherent problems with the Colt .45 1911; that said, there are numerous after-market enhancements that really make this very fine weapon much more effective and efficient. Ambidextrous safety, for one. Magna-porting, perhaps...of course, trigger work is always a plus...the...
  3. M

    Does anyone still find the SA Autos (Browning, Colt, etc.) to be the MOST effective?

    There has been a plethora of trigger configurations that have seemingly left the likes of the venerable Colt .45 and Browning Hi-Power to become the "old-timers" of the lot. Personally - I find that my Browning Hi-Power, properly holstered and in "condition-one" is a most proficient and capable...
  4. M

    Handgun shooting stances

    I feel that the tactical advantages and overall ergonomic comfort of the weaver stance is far superior to the isosceles version. First - the weaver stance reduces the potential target area for an adversary; the relaxed feel also lends itself to the all-important ability to incorporate a...