Recent content by MisterMike

  1. M

    The Cost of Exercising Your Constitutional Rights

    Yes, I'm aware of all this, and that is my plan. Thanks, though. The USAF's schem is administered by a contractor and there is no means of appeal if they screw up. I wanted to have the ability to carry if my LEOSA expires and they haven't approves me. I do know that it carries additional burdens.
  2. M

    The Cost of Exercising Your Constitutional Rights

    I'm not wealthy, but I'm also able to shoulder these costs. Looking at what the average person without military or law enforcement experience would have to go through, I don't think you could get your Illinois permit for less than $400 or so (mine cost more because I applied for a Florida permit...
  3. M

    The Cost of Exercising Your Constitutional Rights

    I'm a retired USAF cop, now working as a prosecutor. I just finished the process of completing my applications for USAF LEOSA credentials, and for Illinois and Florida concealed carry permits. It's a longish story, but up to this point I've been able to use my USAF retiree ID card, along with an...
  4. M

    Could the right president pass National Carry Reciprocity?

    Hey, I've got an even better idea. Why don't we propose a Constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to keep and bear arms?
  5. M

    M855 victory!!!!

    I try to remain apolitical in commenting on these things, but it's very clear that the current administration has and will continue to do all it can to infringe on Second Amendment rights. I am glad that this has been dropped for now, but you can be sure that this attempted ban will resurface...
  6. M

    Now that ISIS has threatened attacks on American Shopping malls

    Realistically, the world's the same today as it was before this call to violence. Should something like this occur, it's most likely that it'll be some nitwit who's been inspired to act out . . . either by this sort of a call to action, or by some other mental dysfunction . . . and not a highly...
  7. M

    Will this State Supreme Court's ruling on weapons transport set precedent?

    That's correct, but it can be looked to for guidance in states that don't have clear precedent on the issue. Not binding, but potentially persuasive. Also, though I'm trying to figure out how this might play out, in some instances, the USSC has looked to legal developments among the states to...
  8. M

    Have you ever needed your carry gun?

    I had a couple run-ins back when I was an LEO, but nothing worthy of the effort to type it. However, I do carry as a retired LEO. And my wife generally responds with a "whatever" attitude, or a little good-hearted kidding. However, a few months ago, as we were exiting our car in Chicago, we...
  9. M

    2A Wins and Losses

    In Illinois, where concealed carry was implemented only as a result of a federal court order, It's hard to say. Defeated Governor Quinn was vehemently anti-2A, so it's good to see him gone. OTOH, Governor-Elect Rauner, who's a hunter and has generally spoken in favor of gun rights, has...
  10. M

    The pistol that James Bond should carry!

    You all crack me up. Everyone knows that a .380 is more than sufficient for Bond, who can shoot someone between the eyes every time. No need for an "upgrade."
  11. M

    Liam Neeson - RKBA is the problem

    I don't get my panties in too much of a wad when I hear actors speaking on issues like this; overall, they don't have a heck of a lot of credibility when it comes to social issues. What they do have, though--and this is worth remembering--is the ability to communicate to a broad swath of...
  12. M

    A rant on: hit this poll threads

    This is the way I look at it. I think that we all recognize that committed antis and 2A proponents are going to be unmoved by these polls. But, the average Joe or Jane isn't, in my mind, so sophisticated that they discern between these on-line popularity polls and real, scientific polling...
  13. M

    "Radically Invasive Projectiles" (RIP) -- good or bad idea?

    I'd have to agree with those who have posted above with their concerns about the legal ramifications of using rounds with menacing names--RIP or DRT are the two that come to mind--in a self-defense situation. There is absolutely nothing positive that can be gained should you ever find yourself...
  14. M

    Guns not wanted in "family-friendly" Target

    We'll see whether this is translated into action in the form of actual bans, but a couple of things are apparent to me. In no particular order: -Target has long taken a left of center view on many topics, so it's not particularly surprising that they'd adopt a generally anti-gun stance...
  15. M

    Guns not wanted in "family-friendly" Target

    As of today, where I'll do all my big box shopping: