Recent content by mlomker

  1. M

    LFI-IV; the most wicked training ever.

    There's always a group of people that want to go one step further. I recently took LFI1 and I thought it was excellent...I've heard good things about LFI2 because it covers shotgun and SMG. I know a couple guys that did LFI3 last Spring and they weren't impressed. The first two classes are...
  2. M

    Welcome to New Pink Pistols members.

    Is/has your sexual orientation been a factor/component in the desire or the process of obtaining the CCW? (If that question makes sense). Not for me. I've always been warrior-oriented if you want to call it that--martial arts, archery, and firearms have always been an interest. I enlisted...
  3. M

    Welcome to New Pink Pistols members.

    Is/has your sexual orientation been a factor/component in the desire or the process of obtaining the CCW? (If that question makes sense). Not for me. I've always been warrior-oriented if you want to call it that--martial arts, archery, and firearms have always been an interest. I enlisted...
  4. M

    A law. Shooting someone wielding a knife?

    The odds are the attacker will cross that seven yards or less before the officer can deploy and employ their weapon. I practiced the Tueller drill at LFI-1 about a week ago. I can cover 21 feet in about 1.8 seconds (I was wearing boots) and I can draw and fire from an open holster in 1.6...
  5. M

    Welcome to New Pink Pistols members.

    How does sex or sexual orientation tie into gun rights? The fact that I am a straight male isn't what makes me pro liberty, so why does orientation need to be flaunted while doing work on preserving your rights? A generally good question, but we really don't like it when straight people use...
  6. M

    Welcome to New Pink Pistols members.

    rock jock, I think it was just one or two people expressing their opinions on the marriage issue despite its lack of relevance on this forum. Not all gay people *want* to get married, by the way...I sure don't. I'd like to continue owning my own stuff, know what I mean.