Recent content by mousecat33

  1. M

    Picked-on Junior Buck

    Thinking more clear headed today, I've been wondering further into the little loner... Having seen a cow(bovine) de-horned and witnessing excessive blood loss, I wonder if the buck survived.....? Also, could this affect future antler growth? As I prefer not to shoot little 'uns, I'm...
  2. M

    Picked-on Junior Buck

    (cont. ) both tines/antlers were broken off....whole head covered in blood..... very strange... I felt real bad for sitting there doing nada... hadn't seen him since... regards from e.TX, mc
  3. M

    Picked-on Junior Buck

    Nice to meet you Art, but, they always "lose" like that? I certainly want to lose a fight and walk away bleeding......... When I realized what he was, I just could not shoot.... It would've made it that much more gruesome....Kill what you eat and eat what you kill..what I've...
  4. M

    State of the Union: Self-Defense Comment

    BUMP Sam's kids wouldn't let that happen.......ha!!!!!!!!!!! Slicker than a newborn weasle.................. Let us see what transpires.............. Oh, my bad... It's too late!!!!! HA!!!! Freegards from e.TX, mc
  5. M

    State of the Union: Self-Defense Comment

    How's your STATE treating you?? Confederacy would not be a problem but for constituants remaining spread out.... My biggest fear is Jonesy9's last paragraph...It'd be a long row to hoe...... regards from e.TX mc
  6. M

    Picked-on Junior Buck

    One weekend this last gun season at the family compound my brother spotted( and he's good at spotting spike-type bucks ) a (his words) funny-lookin' sucker... I'm sure he meant a little forker oddball thing which are very common here lately, as the local regs make it a one-buck county...
  7. M

    State of the Union: Self-Defense Comment

    The "Shrub" might even be slicker than 'ol "Willie".............. Beauty's only skin deep.......... regards from eTX. mc p.o'd maybe slicker than a new-born weasel..........who knows.........
  8. M

    State of the Union: Self-Defense Comment

    The President also mentioned 'activist judges' having no regard for the will of the people( homo marriage ), and the peoples' right to use 'Constitutional Law' against such renegades. Sounds as if he is still pro 2A. I really hope so, as I voted for him. Its still up in the air for...
  9. M

    Hog hunting experience and questions...

    here, about 40 mi. SE of the metromess one morning, sneaking up on a hog trap, I counted 8 football-sized(maybe two footballs) piglets : awesome looking little suckers, they had white stripes. there were probably more.....5 secs later 3 juvs/yearlings, followed by mature ???s,,, anyway a 200+...
  10. M

    North Texas Hog Hunts?

    Never heard of the MY; $75 is a bit too steep for me. The $48 fee for WMAs is a onetime fee, good for the entire year BTW. regards from e.TX mc
  11. M

    yote hunting

    I've had good luck using a javelina call. Kind of makes a crying baby sound. regards from e.TX mc
  12. M

    My first deer with my M1A

    ! Wicked Biscuits Dude!! A prayer for the wild things... and dig in! regards from e. TX kc
  13. M

    Deer hunting with pistol

    still hunt, with open sites... I double dog dare you...... Make sure and have a good holster so you have both hands free. I tell you its a blast! Kill or not you will have a good time. This year during gun season, I hunted with a .357 Max. Ruger Blackhawk 7&1/2 with Win. Super Xs(...
  14. M

    North Texas Hog Hunts?

    MD, 161,000 Sam Houston Natl. Forest WMA near Huntsville, all legal weapons Jan.10-Mar.15( Dogs are legal , and fun I hear ) Not too far from Houston : approx. 85 miles or so, lots of camping. Just dont hunt in the state park! mc
  15. M

    North Texas Hog Hunts?

    48 bucks for sure, gb, I'm still not used to the new licenses....they are durable though. P_U_B_L_I_C eewwww.... WMAs can be the best and the worst at the same time. Nothing like taking a sick day(Wednesday) and gettin primal (in thought only, this is public after all) during the first...